Constructing an important new building is not an easy task for anyone. Alumni Isabella Yibirin has been elected to lead this important project due to her outstanding architectural planning skills.

Few days ago, junior architect Yibirin was surprised when she was announced to be elected as the leader of one of the most important projects in her architectonic career. The construction of one of her outstanding architectural plans, which is taking place in Barranquilla, is just the first step of a successful career in the architectonic world.

“It’s a privilege being able to launch a project which in first place was planned by me and created with the simple purpose of getting a  high score in a major university grade,” stated Yibirin.

Her effort to be one of the best architects in Colombia is reflected with her daily works and the will of success she shows constantly.

Furthermore, The building is a luxurious house futurely owned  by a claimed western coast politician who prefers to keep his identity unknown. He choose this prototype based on the land studies demanded by the government , and the house seems to fit just right with the requirements.

“Big results are expected from this construction and not only me, but also my whole team feels the pressure of giving a positive impression and showing the high quality of our endeavor,“ explained Yibirin.

This project is not an easy task to complete and there is a long way to go forward, but the young visionary is ready to face any obstacle in her path, with her one and main desire of making the best project of the year.

To say nothing of, Isabella yibirin Is offering all the experience and commitment she haves to accomplish this hard task she was proudly assigned to carry out. This means a lot to her because as we can see, if this labor meets the expected results, it will burst forth lots of new doors with meaningful future architectonic works to elaborate.