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The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

Tour Colombia 2.4 Opens up in 2024

Tour Colombia 2.4 Opens up in 2024

The well-known cycling event of “Tour Colombia” has been restored and will happen between the 9th and the 11th of February 2024 after its cancellation in 2021 because of the pandemic and later, in 2022 and 2023, due to lack of funding.  

The Tour Colombia, also known as “Colombia Oro y Paz”, is a cycling race held annually in the country since 2018. The tour has had several well-known cyclists such as Sergio Higuita, Miguel Angel “Superman”  Lopez, and Egan Bernal as winners and other well-known cyclists such as Rigoberto Urán and Nairo Quintana as finalists. Despite its immense popularity, the tour was canceled in 2021 due to COVID-19 prevention and in 2022 and 2023 due to economic difficulties. Despite all the setbacks, Astrid Bibiana Rodriguez, head of the sports ministry, has decided to return it. 

“We’ve partnered with the Colombian Federation of Ciclismo and the sports industry to bring the Tour Colombia 2024 UCI 2.1 to reality. This race will be an international race where over 12 teams will spice up the event.” Rodriguez said. Extracted from El Tiempo

According to the ministry’s statement, the cycling event will be making a major return next year with the following new list of dates:

  • Day 1 – 6 of February
    Route: Paipa – Duitama – La Y (5 vueltas al Valle: Tibasosa – Sogamoso – Nobsa – La Y) – llegada a Duitama – 155 km
  • Day 2 – 7 of February
    Route: Paipa – Tunja – Ventaquemada – Regreso – Tunja – Paipa – Duitama – Santa Rosa de Viterbo – 169 km
  • Day 3 – 8 of February
    Route: Circuito en Tunja (9 laps) – 112.5 km
  • Day 4 – 9 of February
    Route: Paipa – Tunja – Ventaquemada – Villapinzón, Chocontá – Gachancipá – Tocancipá – Chía – Cajicá – Zipaquirá – 181.8km
  • Day 5 – 10 of February
    Route: Cota – Siberia – El Rosal – La Vega – Villeta – Regreso – Alto del Vino – 138.3 km
  • Day 6 – 11 of February
    Route: Sopó -Tocancipá – Gachancipá – Chocontá – Regreso – Sesquilé – Guatavita – La Calera – Alto de Patios – Bogotá: Calle 85 con Carrera Séptima hasta el Parque Nacional – 155 km

On the other hand, Mauricio Vargas, president of the Colombian Cycling Federation expresses motivation to get back to work on the abandoned project.

“The Government will help us with resources and the federation will get us the rest to start the race. We’ve been working hard over the tasks, and this news motivates us to move forward,” Vargas said. Extracted from Mundobici Colombia.

Since there is no doubt the event will be returning very soon, the organizers want the Tour Colombia to showcase the cyclists and the talent for sports there is in the country. 

“The Colombian Federation of Cyclists and its sportsmen celebrate the new decision from the government reached after several discussions with the ministry thinking how to showcase the sports talent and, therefore, the best side of our country,” The entity said. Extracted from Noticias Caracol.