Students Question Need for Pre-Icfes

Comments and conclusions from 11th graders after their completion of the Pre-Icfes in the Columbus School raises questions about both the content and necessity of the exam.

The Pre-Icfes which is an instrument to improve your educational quality, was completed two weeks ago by the juniors, many of whom felt unchallenged or unmotivated  which keeps them from giving their best effort.

“For me this exam was extremely long and also it was made in a really easy way that could be completed with out any type of effort.There were level 1 and level 2 questions that won’t provide you important stuff for your future,” Santiago Trujillo, 11th grader, said.

The students that took the test insisted that the exam wasn´t complicated but it was extremely large,that it became type of boring and this generated the feeling of starting guessing in the last questions.

“I think that I did my best effort mostly during the first part and a little bit of the second section, but this exam became a really long thing were you stop taking it seriously and giving your complete effort,” Simon Abisaad, 11th grade student, said.

Some answers from the students explained they´re point of view of what the test actually gave you for your life, if it actually helped you.

“I don´t really think this examns helps me for my life because they don´t challenge you, they´re basic and  ask things that everyone knows so it should have more cultural questions to make it harder,” Maria del Mar Navarro, 11th grade student, said.

School officials  claimed that students collaborated with everything  after the school needed to change all of this students from rooms due to the unexpected dilema.

“I´m seeing a positive change because there is a clear change of matureness from this group,  a complete effort while taking the test, this talks about really important things from this group,” Jorge Vasquez, Test Administrator, said.

The school believes students should be submitted to this evaluations because it permits the faculty to analyze their level of knowledge, nationally or internationally.

“When you  look the level that is within your institution without comparing it to others, you´re actually blocking yourself from knowing if what you´re doing its complete,” Vasquez said.

At the Columbus School students are required to take the test with all of their effort and matureness because this actually ranks the school level and what they gotta improve on.

”That´s why we make all of this emphasis with this type of tests, so they can take it seriously and with a lot of responsibility,” Vasquez said.