The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

Juniors Take a Proactive Approach to College Exploration

As high school students navigate the intricate journey toward higher education, juniors already begin to take a more serious approach to the matter.

Emilia Quintero and Isabel Jaramillo, juniors at TCS, have commenced their college exploration journey and are determined to delve deeper into potential career paths. They emphasize the role of extracurricular activities and courses in shaping their aspirations.

“To be honest, I have started thinking seriously about college. Throughout this time, I have been debating on which career to pursue. I’ve been thinking between architecture and civil engineering; depending on what I decide is where I’m going to study,” Isabel Jaramillo, Grade 11, said.

Emilia points to specific courses and extracurricular activities that have ignited her interest in potential career paths and colleges. The robotics team, TOM, MUN, and AP courses have played a significant role.

“The robotics team, TOM, MUN, and AP courses have kind of paved a portion of so-called ‘career paths’,” Emilia Quintero said.

When it comes to researching colleges, Emilia stresses the importance of considering all factors and seeking professional assistance. She acknowledges the crucial role counselors play in shaping the decision-making process.

“I feel like taking all factors into account is crucial, but asking for help and receiving professional assistance from counselors can help shape this process,” Quintero said.

As the college application process involves standardized tests, Emilia outlines her strategy, which includes language tests for Europe and Canada, along with the commonly taken SAT.

“Apart from the AP tests, I plan on taking language tests required in Europe and Canada, along with the commonly taken SAT,” Quintero said.

Balancing the demands of a hectic junior year with the college application process is a challenge Isabel recognizes. She emphasizes the importance of stability, balance, and effective time management.

“Through my high school years, I have always balanced activities and have had to organize my schedule to be able to succeed. As we get closer to the application process, I believe that it is key to have balance, good time management, and stability,” Jaramillo said.

Looking back, Pablo Escandon, a current senior, contemplates the daunting task of contemplating potential majors and career paths, which weighed heavily on him as a current senior. He acknowledges the gravity of this decision in shaping his considerations for colleges.

“Yes, maybe I could’ve applied earlier. I should have planned better when I should apply depending on the grade that I have and where I had better opportunities for a scholarship,” Escandon said.

Looking ahead, Emilia sets her sights on utilizing the upcoming summer break to focus on the college preparation process, considering both personal and academic aspects.

“I’d love to personally use that time to focus on this process, taking into account the personal and academic aspects of such,” Quintero said.