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The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School: How Diverse Is it Truly?


The Columbus School is known for its cultural inclusivity, having students and staff from many places outside of the city. However, a key cultural component is often missing from campus: representation of students from other socioeconomic backgrounds, limiting students’ exposure to perspectives outside their own sphere.

While The Columbus School prides itself on its diverse international community, a gap persists in socioeconomic representation, hindering students’ holistic exposure to varied perspectives. Addressing this disparity is crucial for fostering true inclusivity and preparing students for a globally interconnected world.

The Columbus School features a variety of culturally different staff and students. Yet amidst this perceived cultural inclusivity, the presence of different socioeconomic individuals is extremely limited.

While students from diverse cultural backgrounds may open the school’s environment to new ideas and perspectives, there is a noticeable absence from various socioeconomic contexts. Many students come from privileged backgrounds and are often oblivious to members outside of that “bubble. In turn, this limited perspective may hinder the positive effects that an ethnically diverse campus may bring to students and staff.

“Coming from India, I do believe this school is extremely welcoming to foreigners. Still, I have yet to find friendships outside of the private school bubble,” Akshay Thirukumaran, grade 11 said.

The consequences of this lack of representation can be felt. Many students are at risk of becoming biased and disconnected from the reality of the world, and the impact that certain situations have on the majority of Colombians. Without direct exposure to diverse socioeconomic backgrounds, students may have difficulty navigating the nuances of social issues and developing the empathy needed to engage meaningfully.

“With how the school is set up, it is often difficult to understand the struggles of less privileged members of our society”- Gregorio Velez, grade 11 said.

Additionally, the absence of socioeconomic diversity within the school community can foster existing disparities and reinforce societal divides. Students from privileged backgrounds may, without notice, believe or propagate common stereotypes and biases, lacking the perspective gained from meaningful interactions with individuals from different socioeconomic backgrounds. This potential ignorance that students may have can hinder efforts to promote social justice and to improve equality and the many social problems that Colombia currently has.

Recognizing the importance of socioeconomic diversity is an important step toward gaining a truly inclusive environment at The Columbus School. By actively seeking to eliminate this lack of diversity, if the school decides if it is important enough, considering the compromises, the school coil foster diversity through targeted recruitment efforts and scholarship programs, creating opportunities for students in different parts of the city. With that being said, implementing curriculum enhancements that highlight issues of socioeconomic inequality can be a first step to exposing students to this reality.

“In my previous school, I believe students, with having a curriculum which focused heavily in social issues, made students more prepared for the real world,” John Beling, physics teacher said.

Embracing socioeconomic diversity may not just be morally correct—it could enhance the student’s education. Although the effects may often not be seen inside the campus, a lack of understanding may cause problems whilst students adapt. By fostering empathy and understanding, and a commitment to social justice, the school can create more convenient students, thus bringing a bigger impact to the world.

If the school considers it important, it could thus enhance its commitment to creating a truly diverse campus, where students are exposed to different perspectives, including those different from our socioeconomic background. As discussed, many strategies may be implemented, such as curriculum changes, or integration of members into our school. Through collective effort, especially from the high officials of our school, the Columbus School’s diploma can represent not only academic preparation but also social consciousness.

“Academic preparation is only one of the many things that a school diploma should offer. What is also extremely important, is the access to profound social understanding,” Beling said.