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The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

The Columbus School News Portal

The Discoverer

‘What Jennifer Did’: A Deep Dive into True Crime and Emotion”


Netflix’s documentary “What Jennifer Did” reveals a crime within a small Canadian town, offering a distinctive perspective on true crime narratives. Unlike typical true crime shows, it goes beyond mere events, aiming to uncover the motivations behind the tragedy and the community’s collective response. The documentary seeks to captivate audiences, but does it maintain engagement throughout its development?

Sofia Valencia, a senior student who recently watched “What Jennifer Did,” shared her thoughts on the documentary. “I really liked it; it was super interesting to see all the details about the crime,” Valencia said. “They talked to a lot of people who knew Jennifer and what happened, which made it feel real.”

“What Jennifer Did” presents a narrative, with both emotional testimonies and investigations. While it effectively helps viewers understand the case and provides clues, its long duration reduces its impact. “It was a bit long, I guess, but I didn’t mind much because I was really into the story,” Valencia said. “I wanted to learn everything they were talking about, so the time went by fast for me.”

Despite its valuable perspective, the documentary occasionally loses focus, making it unpleasant to watch regardless of its intriguing topic. “Honestly, I didn’t like it much,” Valencia admitted. “It felt very fake to me, like they were trying too hard to make it dramatic.”

One of the documentary’s strengths relies on its exploration of the crime. Rather than simply telling events, it carefully examines the circumstances leading up to the tragedy. Through interviews with Jennifer’s witnesses, family, and law enforcement, the documentary fully explains the incident. “Yeah, the way they showed the interviews was cool,” Valencia said. “You could really feel how upset and confused everyone was. It made me think about how big of a deal one person’s actions can be.”

Moreover, through the use of police records, viewers can take part in the investigation, experiencing the drama firsthand. Beyond mere facts and timelines, “What Jennifer Did” dives deeper into human psychology, helping viewers understand real-life decisions and their repercussions.

Furthermore, the documentary captures the emotional aftermath of the crime. By highlighting the perspectives of those affected—Jennifer’s loved ones and the wider community—it causes a deep response. “Not really, everything seemed to be exaggerated,” Senior Isabella Lopez said. “Even the way they presented the timeline felt like they were trying to squeeze drama out of every little thing.”

In conclusion, “What Jennifer Did” is a great addition to the true crime genre, characterized by its emotional depth and investigation. While its length and redundancy represent challenges, the documentary remains worthy for true crime enthusiasts. Its exploration of human motivations and consequences provides valuable insights into the complexities of real-life tragedies.