Soda for One Night at TCS

Soda’s will be sold at TCS during candle night, the 5th of December. GIN made this possible, and it’s not only going to be helpful for the environment but also for the students.

GIN’s team is looking forward to reducing the school’s carbon footprint, and plan on achieving this by selling products in aluminum containers–one of the most recyclable materials.

“Ms. Ruth, the superintendent, approached us first about the idea, and then Britta, our sponsor, came up with a plan to reduce the use of plastic in candle night. We proposed these solutions and emailed [Ruth] and reached this decision,” Alejandro Escobar, 11th-grade member of the GIN carbon footprint team, said.

For the school, the environment is a priority. Not only GIN but also the directives and the student body think of ways to help. With everyone’s effort, new ideas on how to reduce TCS’ carbon footprint are being shared.

“We proposed that so people could get something to drink, for this night only, we could sell sodas only in aluminum cans,” Escobar said.

The people who will be selling soda that night are aware of the requirements that they have to meet, and although some might complain, GIN members have done their research to back up their demand.

“We don’t want the seller to sell bottles in plastic or juices in disposable cups…only 9% of plastic is recycled while aluminum is actually wanted by companies because they can reuse it,” Escobar said.

These eco-friendly initiatives benefit the school and make students happier and more excited to attend the event. GIN members believe this will delight lots of students that prefer soda and have missed it since it was banned at TCS.

“I’m very glad I can please many people that like soda and make candle night even better than it already is,” Maria Pia Molina, 11th-grade member of the carbon footprint team, said.

Candle night is one of the events students await the most during the year. This day students, their families, and external businesses can rent a booth to sell their products. These are not limited to food but also include clothes and crafts. By restoring their permission to sell sodas, even more vendors will be looking to participate.

“It is a great example that the school is showing by still sell sodas and limiting the amount of plastic because it actually shows we can take care of the environment without taking away too much of the fun,” Molina said.