Seniors Present ISC Proposals to Experts

Seniors Present ISC Proposals to Experts

Seniors presented their ISC project proposals to a group of professionals on March 29 to recieve feedback and set a course of action for their plans

Presentations took place from 1:30 to 3:30 pm in the high school building and were attended by former alumni, teachers, entrepreneurs, business owners, and medical professionals who came to assist the students with their proposals.

“What I’m hoping everyone got from the fair is feedback, to see if their projects are realistic, doable and if not to understand what is that they need to change,” Camilo Hoyos, ISC teacher, said

 Each group was given five minutes to present their ideas to the judges, whose purpose was to provide constructive criticism, ask questions and potentially aid Seniors with their proposals.

 “Before the presentation, I was very stressed as to what they could say of my project if it were going to be heavily criticized, but overall the feedback was very complete and eye-opening,” Senior, Nicolas Restrepo, said.

During the presentations, each team shared their ideas, action plans, current progress. The goal was to define the optimal path their project needed to take.

“This project not only has to do with experiencing the world of business, and experiencing society through a company, but to experience social change and how it’s real and possible, and I believe students will understand that today more than ever,” Hoyos said.

After the presentations, the students received a range of suggestion and praise. However, positive feedback was predominant giving most teams a thumbs up to continue with their projects.

“I feel that all the praises are well deserved as throughout the year all the effort that we put into the project is finally starting to pay off,” Restrepo said.

Many Seniors were surprised by the relaxed nature of the presentations. Contrary to expectations that it would be a stressful and challenging experience, they found it quite the opposite.

“I knew my topic very well and presented it very concisely so you could say it was one of the easiest presentations of my life,” Senior Daniel Aguirre, said.

After almost 10 months of preparation, Seniors are taking significant strides towards achieving their goals, and finalizing their projects for the annual ISC fair May 29.   

“We still have a long way to go, and we have a lot to struggle but this first fair is proof that we are ready to give this project our all,” Aguirre said.