Seniors Accepted to International Universities


College Counseler Dina Rechani Meets with Seniors Julian Fernandez and Ivana Flores about their college plans.

31 Seniors have been accepted to 71 different universities worldwide as of November 21, accumulating a total of $3 million USD in 4-year scholarships.

Services like Concourse Global have helped Seniors to get accepted into colleges throughout the USA, Canada, the United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, and Spain, with many others awaiting results.

“The last day of this quarter is crucial because the most important results will arrive, so on the 15th, we will be in the plan of ringing the bell or not,” Dina Rechani, College and Career Counselor, said.

Senior Esteban Botero received a scholarship to the University of Lancaster in Leipzig, Germany with the possibility to be awarded $750 to $5,000 EU.

“It’s something I have to feel proud of because if I hadn’t put in all that effort on school and extracurricular activities, with the passion I have for everything all this wouldn’t be possible,” Botero said.

Senior Gabriel Maynard has already been accepted to Politécnico de Madrid, University of Alberta, and Universidad Europea de Madrid.  He is still waiting to hear from MacGill University. 

“The first time it’s a very unexpected feeling, like an emotion that hits you suddenly because at the end of that day you have a place to start your life and your career,” Meynard said.

Many students are using Concourse Global as a new way to be noticed by colleges. Through this, universities offer students a spot, instead of students applying to the university itself. Through this method students fill out a profile describing academic merit, which is later presented on to schools that might be interested in given students.

 “This year we are using a new platform called Concourse Global which has helped a lot with the entire process, as well as in receiving the scholarships,” Rechani said.

At the same time as the application process started, Colombian currency dropped 10% of its initial value in relation to the American dollar. This situation has made many students rethink their aspirations of applying abroad,and as the price of college is increasing with the devaluation of the Peso, options are looking tighter.

“All of the situation with the dollar has made multiple people scared of applying abroad. Last year there were more people in the office, more excited to apply,” Rechani said.

Beyond these issues, students display emotions of excitement and fear as their college aspirations become a reality and their futures outside school and the country are just around the corner

“It’s very sad leaving your friends and family behind, but at the end of the day it’s a path that one has to take in order to advance and develop as a person,” Meynard said.