Neuralink: The Future is Near!
Elon Musk, creator of Neuralink, and his new invention.
Shortly, a computer chip implanted in your brain will cure Alzheimer’s and Dementia.
Elon Musk, creator of Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink is working on a chip that will be implanted in the brain and he affirms that it will connect us with society, simplifying the use of technology and curing many neurological diseases.
“Neuralink is very risky, since implanting a chip in your brain is very dangerous since it is a technology and it can eventually control us, but if it actually works it will innovate society in many ways and many simple tasks will be simplified and many more will be possible, it will be the new era of technology and society will start moving way faster with this type of technology,” Juan Lorenzo Gutierrez, Grade 10, said.
What is Neuralink?
Neuralink is a coin-size chip that will be implanted with a painless surgery in the patient’s skull, making him control technology and cure certain brain diseases by recreating all of the damaged cells and nerves that were destroyed.
This Chip is capable of curing people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia and even helps paraplegics with movement. Furthermore, let us control our devices from long distances and fusing technology with human life.
“If this chip is actually capable of curing brain diseases apart from letting us control technology, I say it is a really good implementation to society, it is risky as everything at first, but if we have an opportunity to start curing many incurable diseases I say we add it to society,” Gutierrez said.
More in-depth the chip will be implanted by a robot in certain branches on the left side of your brain to start its functionality and minimize all possible traumas.
How will it affect society?
Neuralink will affect society in many ways, some of them will be positive such as the cure to many brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia. Paraplegics will be able to use technology and communicate easily and some of them might even recover some mobility due to the chip reconnecting and curing all of the lost tissue in your brain and even your spine.
“If it actually works it will innovate society in many ways and many simple tasks will be simplified and many more will be possible,” Gutierrez said.
Neuralink is a really delicate project, and that’s something we cannot ignore. All of us know technology can be manipulated very easily if you know how to. Now implanting something technological will mean that there is a possibility that humans will get controlled, not like robots. However, people will be able to get your information easier, check what you are looking for and many other things, meaning that before applying it, it would be recommended to have a look for new ways to secure all of our information and prepare everything before it gets implemented, to avoid any problems in the future.
“Neuralink is very risky, since implanting a chip in your brain is very dangerous since it is a technology and it can eventually control us and as technology keeps advancing, being a criminal has become easier, I believe it is easier to steal someone’s bank account information today than it was 20 years ago. I am not saying that neural link will serve that purpose, but I do agree that if that is going to be implemented in society it needs to have really good security to keep all of our personal data secure.” Gutierrez said.
What do people think?
People see Neuralink more like a threat than something useful, which is what makes us human. People are scared of the unknown and don’t know how secure that device is, how it will work and how it will develop throughout time. Many jobs will be affected by this, but Students and Teachers will be most affected by this device since it will change the way teachers teach and students learn.
“If students use that chip as a way to cheat they for sure will change the entire study system when this device is introduced to society,” Gutierrez said.
Students will see this opportunity to use such devices to cheat on exams, projects, and more, which will shake the pillars of academic activities since now all students will have any information they want at their disposal. This means that we will need to adapt the academic activities to such devices and find more ways to adapt the way students will learn in the future. And shortly, there may be a new version of the chip that will give you all the basic knowledge you need, and as the years pass they update the chip’s data to give you more advanced information until you hit adultery.
“This will affect the way we learn and the way teachers teach, I am not saying this is the main reasons but when this device gets implemented students will be able to I don’t know… cheat more frequently since they will be able to look up for whatever they want, so they for sure will change the entire study system when this device is introduced to society and maybe even get rid of teaching.”
“Neuralink will be coming to society faster than we expect and most of the things for its release are already prepared, we just need to restart human testing and human approval for it to be released,” Elon Musk said in a BBC news interview.
Work Cited
L., K. (2019, July 22). What Is Neuralink: A Look At What It Is, What It Wants to Be, and What It Could Become. Medium.,by%20making%20no%20physical%20movement.
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