Mexico, Florida, Puerto Rico; is Colombia next?

Earthquakes, landslides, energy cutouts, storms and floods recently hit main cities of countries like Mexico, Uruguay, Brazil, the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Is Colombia next?

Senior citizens, children, and families were affected by the disasters that occurred starting about 10 days ago when Hurricane Maria hit Florida. The hurricane then moved to the American Territory Island Puerto Rico. According to NY Daily News, the death toll raised to 30 people and more than 70,000 affected directly by the disaster.

“It felt like a monster that wanted to destroy all of us”. Said Maria Wrath a Puerto Rican hurricane survivor in an interview with The Weather Channel. “First the neighbor’s roof blew away, then an entire wall of my house with my daughter’s bed. Then the house was destroyed and I couldn’t save anything. Everything was lost.” Wrath added.

Wrath then went on to elaborate on how the affected people in the community also had the hardest economical situation and how it is going to be harder for them to recuperate from a disaster like this one. Even though the general opinion ruled towards helping the affected people and sending support, others had different opinions on the issue.

“I don’t appreciate the amount of attention the media is giving it. Especially Colombian. I understand that it is shocking but we should focus more on our own issues and stop worrying about some.” said Sofia Niño TCS Student when asked about the tragedies.

Niño expanded on global warming and how we are the cause of the disasters happening. Different opinions roam the school but a general census is expressed by 10th-grade History Teacher at TCS.

“We’re upsetting mother nature and she’s fighting back. Colombia could be next in the disasters list. A lot of areas in Colombia without infrastructure, a natural disaster like an earthquake could definitely destroy certain areas. Also, looking at the pattern of the disasters most are in the ring of fire and Colombia definitely makes up a little portion of it.” Brian Summers said.