How Hard has Stucco Worked This Year?

2017- 2018 school year has been a year where stucco has worked really hard to accomplish really interesting goals. In the process, they faced some difficulties but they worked hard to overcome them. The stuccoes have been working on a short-term goal that consists of making the school more united and makes it a better place to be in.

This is not a simple task to accomplish but they worked really hard to unify their grades. When asked what were the main goals for this year, Federico Caro, a 12th grader and the president of the student council said, “The goals for my campaign were to unify the 12th graders. To have a complete communication between grades.” They were not only working on unifying the school but they also focused on making the school mascot a true icon for the school.

Stucco and administration wanted to make the school’s mascot, the tiger, more iconic, transform his identity into an authentic school mascot, and make it have more impact on the school. “The school only uses it in elementary to control kids because they like tigers,” Caro said. He also stated that the goal was to “Make it a varsity mascot like in universities and colleges.” This task was not completed because other major tasks around the school, that were given priority showed up.

One of the major problems in school that has been around for a while has been the entrance and exit of the school because the current installations have a really small road to enter and exit, traffic builds up and is a problem that causes students to get late to classes and their houses. “The school is starting a plan for traffic flow because the school’s access and exit is a chaos. One of the alternatives the school is looking at is to enable the second entrance the school has, that way the traffic flows faster and students won’t need to wait for all the buses to leave,” said Alejandro Gomez, 11th-grade stucco. Even though this problem is still in the works of being solved, major advancements were made that allowed for stucco to focus on other major goals.

One of the projects they have for the 2018-2019 school year is to change the school’s uniform and come up with a design that is not the current polo shirt we have. “For next year one of our goals is to have a new PE t-shirt,” Caro said. “We are trying to change the Polo T-shirt. The administration already approved the T-shirt and we are waiting for the final designs.” Its expected to see this project being implemented into the school for the next school year. As said before, stucco handles many projects and goals simultaneously, one of them is to finish with the concept of the kiosk.

The kiosk has been a project proposed for many years, but finally this year, they are actually planning to build it. “Accomplishing the kiosk is one of our main goals for next year. We already have the approval from administration but we need the permission to start the building,” Gomez said. Once the permission is set “Architects are coming to approve the kiosk,” Caro said. The kiosk is finally becoming a reality and is a project that people have waited for years.

Many of the goals that were proposed this year will be finished next year as they require more time in order for them to become a reality. “Our biggest goal is to accomplish these goals for the 2018-2019 school year” Gomez Said.