El Patron del Mal, Watch it or Regret it

The T.V series el Patron del Mal is one of the best, if not the best, narco film of all time. The film is designed to intrigue you in every way, shape, or form. From violence to humor, El Patron del Mal is a series to enjoy.

Besides being a controversial, violent, dramatic, and humorous film, Pablo Escobar´s life is a must watch. El Patron del Mal describes graphically every atrocity that the biggest drug lord committed.

Despite its polemic content, El Patron del Mal could be the biggest and best production ever made in Colombia. It is not impeccable, but it is gruelling to make a film with so many controversial events and at the same time appeal to an broad audience.  They are dealing with senitive topics and showing thousands of deaths that the Medellin cartel left behind. Consequently, producers must do it in a responsible way.

The actors in El Patron del Mal are extremely similar to the real life people they play. Andres Parra, who had the Pablo Escobar role, won multiple awards, including the Iris award, for his outstanding skills throughout the film. Pablo Escobar is a rigid and powerful character who was hated by many, but loved by others. The film is based in how the Colombian military and police forces worked next to the DEA and Colombian government to bring down one of the most feared criminals in the world. Andres Para as Escobar actor was excellent, his voice, gestures and physical appearance were identical to the real drug dealer, Pablo Escobar. Not only Pablo, but many other actors like “El Chili”, “Topo”, and “Gonzalo” did an extraordinary work in the film.

The film Scarface  and El Patron del Mal  are both films with immense popularity and high ratings. Both are based  drug dealing and violence, have actors with a lot of similarities. The way they act, talk, and dress are connectors that can be seen very easily if you  are comparing both films. Pablo Escobar can be akin to Tony Montana from Scarface. They have similar personalities, they are powerful, rich, intelligent, and unpredictable. In addition, their life stories have a lot of common events and traits. For example, Escobar had a war with the Cali cartelwhile Momtana started the war with his boss. In both films the main characters started a conflict with their “friends”, who ended up being their enemies.

The best thing about the series is the plot. The plot is based in the violent past of Colombia back in the 80s-90s. There is some fiction involved in the film in order to make things more interesting. The film starts with Pablo as a kid when he was just a poor  guy with no power. As time goes by, Pablo becomes a criminal, he gains power, enemies, money, and hate . The Colombian Government and Police are after him. Pablo tries to outlaw the Colombian forces. However, with the help of  the U.S Drug Enforcement Administration Pablo was executed.

Scarface  has a connection with El Patron del Mal plot.  The plot and story of Scarface refer to Tonny Montana the main character . The film narrates his life just like El Patron del Mal does with Pablo.  Scarface starts with Tonny Montana as a penniless person, then he started to enter in the illegal businesses. As a result, he ended up becoming very rich and powerful just like Pablo. Throughout the film we see how Tonny gather all the money, the crimes committed, and all the violence he left behind. Making both film plots very identical and with similar scenes. Both film plots are extraordinary, but El Patron del Mal has the best plot. It is very organised and explains every part of Pablo Escobar life in details.

To conclude, El Patron del Mal is a narco film full of entertainment and action. In addition, you get to learn a lot about Colombia and his biggest drug lord: Pablo Emilio Escobar Gaviria. The film was made to tell a horrific story and to learn from it. It is a film that any narco enthusiastic must watch.