Doping in Cyclists
It was August 24 of 2012 when the legendary career of retired cyclist Lance Armstrong was thrown overboard. After this, the doping percentage in cyclism has decreased in a 70 percent due to the impact of these controversial cases on the rising athletes all around the world. Amongst the growing seeds that look up to these well known athletes, there will be some that believe it’s incorrect and get disappointed and others that take it as an encouragement to do the same. Over the course of the years there have been a couple of cases of athletes doping. Using performance enhancing drugs is illegal, it is a different way of cheating. It creates disillusionment in fans of sports and athletes.
People often claim that this athletes should be forever forgotten, they should feel ashamed of themselves and their bad actions. “They shouldn’t be remembered neither recognized for doing something ethically wrong and unfair for other athletes.” Pedro Jimenez, 11th grade student, said.
. Ethics in sports is a very important matter weather you are a professional athlete or just pursue it as a hobby. However, for star athletes it’s even more crucial to maintain an ethical character since they’re mostly very public celebrities. Having a good reputation not only encourages their own fans to follow their exemplary lead, but also avoids giving haters and critics a chance to doubt their process and talent. In 2012, the UCI (Union Cycliste Internationale) decided that his victories never happened. He was never on the top step of the podium. The winner’s yellow jersey was never on his back.Regardless of being a sport star or not, acting the correct way should be what everyone looks for. But even though the star athletes are the ones that should be the ones giving the example, at times they can also be the igniter of a tendency. In order to motivate all athletes to seek honesty testing should be more considered.
Although there are multiple testings in seek of illegal medication in certain competitions, at times technology can be the victim of its own medicine. “I personally think that with the technological world we live in there’s new ways of doping and cutting through the normal process of athletes…” Luciano Fernandez,11th grade student, said. Technology can be used in many different ways, it allows the resolution of problems in very practical ways. Armstrong’s fiercely defended reputation as a clean athlete was shattered by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency two weeks after the last win of the tour. This is why humans seek to find new technological advancements, in order to find faster solutions to common problems. However, when technology is placed in the wrong hands it can be used in very unethical ways, as it has been evidenced historically through wars and terrorist groups. The wrongful manipulation of technology can give space for corruption; in this specific case, creating a drug that doesn’t show up in dope tests in the biggest sport events of the world. Technology is consuming humanity fester each time, this is why you have to stay strong on principles and not allow yourself to make the wrong decisions.
Humanity has grown as a whole from all the mistakes we have made from the past. But even though we are aware of this, when someone takes a false step we are there ready to criticize them. Humans are allowed to make mistakes and deserve to be given second chances, it is very important, however, to recognize the fault in our actions. “I think sanctioning them because I know people make mistakes and for them to prove themselves that they are something more than just a medicine to enhance their performance.”Luciano Fernandez, 11th grade student, said. Second chances in life give these athletes a chance to prove themselves they can be ethical and get good results based on honest work.
Athletes have to deal with numerous responsibilities that lead them to constantly work with pressure. Sport federations and fanatics have to find a way to get the athletes to pay in a balanced penalization. In the search for justice, hate must be placed a side and conscience must come into play. Allowing the athletes a second chance to redeem themselves after consciously recognizing the error in their actions, suggests a very important message of recovery. Falling 9 times means you are getting up 10.