Cellphones Tools or Distraction?

Smartphones are a great tool for education. Cell phones have a variety of useful classroom applications including Google searches, calculators, organization tools, and agendas. Sadly they are humongous distractions for our daily life, students and adults are commonly distracted by mobile phones. We have lost the skill and the advantage cell phones are to our life and formed a constant distraction. Students should not be allowed to use their cell phones as an educational tool in the classroom since they don´t have self-control and can’t properly use them.

When the students are not properly taught how to use them it is easier that it becomes a distraction, given to the many applications it has. According to William M. Ferriter “Cell phones can be a real disruption to learning when used improperly. With almost 60 percent of teens reporting that they’ve sent and received a text.” I have been the witness in those cases when students try to use their phone in academic matters but they fail on and on. I have suffered because of this, in the classroom space, I have tried to use it productively but have failed big time. Well, we take our phone out with a plan on what to do, but then we see a text or a game and we get carried away. Even though in some schools phones are banned they will still take them out in class and text with other people or might even start playing games. It worries me that they are losing precious time being distracted by phones.

A student`s phone can be an incessant distraction through a classroom when a teacher does not know how to use this tool. TCS Middle School has implemented an act where students in middle school are not allowed to take their phones to school, now that middle schoolers can’t control themselves when using their phone. When I was in middle school all I did was play games in class and in the breaks. When it came to playing games we were just constantly thinking on the game so we could not focus in the classroom so students start to miss on crucial information for the class. We have yet not learned how to use those phones, we have still not used them as a tool for their education, just as a distraction. Students should be taught to use this everyday device as a tool that will benefit them.

At the end of the day they truly are a distraction, but they should not be completely banned now that they can be used as a safety device. There have been cases where students use their phones to report a school shooting in Florida. Not only school shooting but sometimes there are cases where the students are feeling sick or they might be hurt for some reason.

I personally think they should not be totally banned but there should be some openings where students can use such devices for their own good. But if they are not taught with a proper lesson on how to use them in class and out of school. If they are not properly taught it will amount to nothing to have a smartphone for the students.