Students Need Counseling

Graduation day is approaching fast marking the end of a journey for all seniors. As this day approaches, students are aware of all they have learned in school and the memories created. However, anguish fills many of them as the great question arises, What will I study?

When asked this question, numerous TCS students answer with “I have no idea” or “I have many possibilities”. It is worrying that at this stage, senior students don’t know what they are going to do with the rest of their lives. The school isn´t not providing enough counseling for students to explore careers.

“Students my age are not receiving proper guidance through any year of high school, basically we don’t know what to study,” Tomas Quintero, 11th grade student said.

Regarding future education and possible universities where students can study, the school is doing a superb job with numerous fairs that promote and showcase different universities where people can decide to attend. However, of what use will it be if you have no idea what to study!

The school should implement an obligatory class to test students and measure their abilities, regarding their strengths and weakness; which can relate to possible future areas of expertise. The class can be every semester from 9th to 12th grade allowing a complete scheme of the student progress and inclinations. This would allow an easier decision when the time comes.

“This would clearly help students find a career they like and eliminate many of the students that are currently unsure of their future” Santiago Giraldo, 11th grade student said regarding the possible implantation of this system.

Besides students not getting any career counseling, they might also be affected by outside factors. states that students tend to listen and follow anyone who they think has experience, and this advices are not always correct. By integrating this system, this factor is denied and allows a better understanding for the students.

When taking this massive choice of what to study, students are taking a decision that will affect their lifetime. When this action is so important, more energy and time should be used to guide us, The Columbus School students. That’s why separate classes should be integrated in the schedule to allow some counseling, helping “The future of this country” progress and be content.