Palmas: Synonym for Danger
Recent accident in via “Las Palmas” included TCS English teacher Emily Butterworth this past month in Medellin, Colombia.
On January 25th, the hard working English teacher, Emily Butterworth, went on her habitual cycling routine before school; traveling from the heart of Medellin to what would become the stage for the “Tour Colombia” a month later. This road includes all type of community members, from students, staff members, and teachers that transit this road on a daily basis. After years of starting her day with her passion, Butterworth was a victim of the insecurity cyclists live in the road everyday getting knocked off the road. During the start of this 2019, there have been 147 accidents that left 3 dead individuals and 49 injured just in Avenida Las Palmas.
“Because of the mountain geological design it is extremely dangerous for anyone, but especially for bikers or brave people that decide to walk up palmas,” Butterworth said.
Geological formation of the city doesn’t help with the design of the road, which brings consequences to the security of people transiting through “ Las Palmas”. It’s not only the formation that has a huge impact, but also the way vehicles transit their way through that have major repercussions on pedestrians and bikers.
“Being on a bike is so vulnerable, because when your are riding up you are going at a very slow speed that the cars are going so fast that it makes it more dangerous.”Butterworth said.
Helmets are the life savers for bikers, however, at speeds of 60-80 km, it becomes useless. Therefore other solutions must be implemented in order to make riders feel and be safer while they riding towards their dreams.
“There are several things that could be changed, especially making the side of the road where the bikes ride wider so there’s more space to ensure their security.” TCS Egresada, Valentina Correa, said.
Having security changes in the road will not only make security rates go up, but it will increment the amount of users as well. Having a safe space to practice sports will encourage new riders to go up Palmas on a daily basis without having to worry for their life.
“There is something very romantic about the idea of riding your bike to work, ”Butterworth said.