TCS Adapts to New Guidelines for Covid Isolation

New guidelines for covid isolation at TCS.

Covid cases are affected as the return to TCS from December break encountered new guidelines for isolation protocols for all members already vaccinated. 

The new guidelines for isolation are that people who have symptoms have to be isolated for 7 days without being tested, and if you don’t present any symptoms you can attend school on a regular basis, if vaccinated. The difference from the protocols of last year, is that now the isolation is conditioned on the individual vaccination schedule and their symptoms.

“In Middle and High School covid cases have reduced in comparison with Early Years and Elementary School, the reason for this is the low number of children being vaccinated. On the other hand, in MS and HS, the amount of members vaccinated is very high,” Paula Lopez, Occupational Health  Coordinator, said.

In High School there are about 15 to 20 absences a day, either because of testing positive for covid or preventive isolation. Because of the absences, the school has implemented virtual classes.

“Thankfully since we’ve been back to the new guidelines we have stayed pretty consistent, families are doing a really good job by reporting symptoms and isolating,” Paul Navarra, High School Vice Principal, said.

A large number of middle school students have continued to come to school even when they present symptoms, even when it is just a small cough. Additionally, students felt they were compromising the security of other students when they attended school when being in contact with someone testing positive.  

“The change with isolation protocols has gotten very confusing for me as well as students.  Because of the confusion of who has to isolate and who doesn’t covid cases have increased. Also, other students are continuing to put others at risk,” William Pulgarín, Middle School Principal, said

TCS continues to be in danger because of students, teachers and staff members that are not following the protocols which has increased the number of preventive isolations and covid cases in school.

“We have let our guard down and forgotten the necessity to take care of ourselves, we have to have these protocols in force because of the huge peak at this moment,” Natalia Carrasquilla, High School Secretary, said.

For some members adapting to the guidelines implemented at school has been easy, but for others, there is still some uncertainty and no precaution.

“There have not been many problems since these changes have been communicated, however, I feel that some families do not report their family situations and some students come to school with symptoms,” Paula Lopez, said.