Teen relationships impact emotional intelligence
HS students V. Pertuz and S. Zuluaga leave science class holding hands.
High School. For many, the best time of their lives, when the only worries are planning for the weekend and finding a way to make the person they find attractive finally notice them.
Many students seem afraid to get involved in a relationship because they don’t feel ready to share their hearts with another person. However, time passes and does not stop; when you least expect it you will be an adult remembering the memorable moments of your adolescence. Many believe that experiencing the inexplicable feeling of being in love and “shooting your shot” without actually being afraid to do so is the best part of youth.
The Positives of a Relationship
Starting a romantic relationship at a young age is a valuable experience with a significant impact on your future in various ways. It provides an opportunity to comprehend the complex emotions associated with love during high school, and learning how to handle these emotions could potentially make a difference for many.
“It’s a rare emotion that we often learn to handle based on our own mistakes,” Sofia Valencia, Grade 11, said.
Studies have affirmed that young relationships can boost self-esteem and confidence, leading to positive mental health outcomes and a desire to become the best self. Relationships challenge individuals to communicate effectively, compromise, and resolve conflicts, leading to personal growth and maturity. Learning these skills at a young age have long-lasting benefits for future relationships and personal growth.
High school relationships can be a valuable learning experience for those who choose to pursue them. Navigating the complex emotions of love at a young age will be an important skill for adolescents to manage their feelings and communicate effectively in future relationships. Learning how to handle conflict, compromise, and respect boundaries are valuable skills that can be applied not only in romantic relationships but also in other aspects of life.
“Little mistakes we don’t give importance to could eventually harm us, but they themselves could help us to be more aware of what we do and not make the same mistakes in the future,” Pablo Suarez, grade 9 said.
Self Improvement
Although not all high school relationships are successful, they can provide important perspectives of love and the future. Adolescence is a time for exploration and personal growth, and every experience, positive or negative, can be a valuable learning opportunity. Ultimately, taking a chance on love in high school can have a lasting impact on an individual’s personal and romantic life.
While some may see high school relationships as insignificant or even a waste of time, these experiences can have a significant impact on a student’s personal and romantic life. Even unsuccessful relationships can provide important lessons that can shape a future relationships and personal growth.
Being in a relationship can be a great way to share experiences and create memories with a partner. Going to the movies, trying out new restaurants, or even just spending time together can be a source of joy and happiness. High school relationships can make everyday activities more enjoyable when shared with someone special.
“It is the best stage of life to create a relationship. Personally, having a relationship has motivated me to be a better person, for example by going to the gym,” Pedro Vélez, Grade 11, said.
MS and HS students often get involved in a relationship, while many students experience the joys of young love, others may be left with heartbreak and disappointment. However, regardless of the outcome, these experiences provide important lessons for young people that can shape their future relationships. In fact, “The Healthy Journey” has affirmed that 63% of HS students that have been in a romantic relationship are more likely to have a healthy relationship later in life.
Heartbreak means growth
Studies affirm relationships can help an individual to grow and mature by challenging them to communicate effectively, compromise, and resolve conflicts. Learning how to handle this type of situation from a young age is an important skill.
“The feeling of being in love is treacherous but the only way to really understand it is by experiencing it firsthand,” Valencia said.
Adolescence is the time to learn about yourself and others, to explore different types of emotions, and grow as a person. Rejections and heartaches are part of the journey, but every experience is a learning opportunity, and every mistake could eventually lead to victory. Students can learn how to manage rejection, cope with disappointment, and develop resilience. Heartbreak can be a painful experience, but it can also be a valuable opportunity to grow and improve as a person.
One of the skills that students can develop during adolescence is resilience, referring to the ability to bounce back from setbacks, manage stress and adapt to difficult circumstances. When teenagers experience rejection or heartbreak, it can be an opportunity to practice resilience by learning how to manage their emotions, seek support from others, and find new ways to overcome obstacles.
“Don’t be afraid to take your shot. Nothing risked nothing gained,” Miguel Lonoño, Grade 11, said.
Work Cited
Lenhart, Amanda, et al. “Chapter 1: Basics of Teen Romantic Relationships.” Pew Research Center: Internet, Science & Tech, Pew Research Center, 31 Dec. 2019, https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2015/10/01/basics-of-teen-romantic-relationships/.
“What Percent of High-School Relationships Last?: Statistics and Facts.” OnlineDivorce.com, 29 Mar 2022 https://www.onlinedivorce.com/blog/percentage-of-high-school-relationships-that-last/#:~:text=High%20School%20Relationships%20Facts,steady%20partner%2C%20according%20to%20L.