The quote above is the vision of TCS, according to its official website. Since its conception in 1947, The Columbus School has been known locally and nationally as an innovative and global institution. Furthermore, different from other traditional schools, the school is non-religious, allowing for its students to freely develop their own faith and beliefs without bias. However for many, this begs the question: is TCS preparing its students for the future?
From offering a U.S.-based curriculum with AP classes, to incentivizing extracurriculars like MUN or robotics, TCS provides its students with a variety of tools and opportunities to become global citizens by accessing an excellent education with a modern teaching method. Yet, public opinion is divided regarding the quality of TCS alumni as individuals and students.
It is no wonder that students in TCS who want to excel in their studies and other activities are provided with the best of tools, and generally have remarkable high school careers. Nonetheless, the less motivated students or the “vagos” as many would call, can pass under the radar from teachers and pass with the minimum grade, something that is rare to find in other schools because of their higher academic expectations. In other words, the method incurs that every student is independently responsible for his/her own work, as opposed to the school pressing each student to yield good grades.
Many argue that although the method promotes individual responsibility and an opportunity to be creative with one’s time in high school, it does not help develop discipline or high academic standards as the students are not required to comply. There is no doubt that many TCS alumni have made great careers in their preferred field and proudly put the school’s name up high, but in spite of that, many students from TCS have gained fame in universities and in social life as having a lack of duty and not representing the values of the school.
So, what could be the answer? Higher academic expectations? More oversight on students? Only time will tell us the preferred course of action. Regardless, it is paramount for the School’s name to be held up high, as not only students may be denied or accepted into foreign universities just because of school’s reputation, but because historically, TCS has represented the values of excellence and integrity along with an impeccably managed institution that prepares students to be the leaders of tomorrow.