New Second Grade Teacher is Pretty Wild

Trent Parcells, a new Columbus School 2nd grade teacher, arrived in Medellin at the end of July after he accepted a job offer from the school.

Parcells really liked Medellin after his past visits, and with the help of a Columbus School teacher that was a friend of a friend he got an interview at the school.

“I really liked Medellin a lot, I spent a month here 3 years ago and I met a couple loco people that were very passionate about how awesome Colombia is,” Parcells said.

Parcells has the nickname of “Trentino Colorino” due to his very visual style. He has always liked clothing and colors; since he plays football, players with crazy hairs and shoes have always inspired him.

“He is really weird and is true that he likes rainbows and hearts and that’s why he likes to paint his pants and he also has a tattoo of rainbows and hearts” 2F student Emiliana Rojas said.

Trentino Parcells has also his own teaching method in which he teaches kids real life situations and tries to make it fun and diverse with different learning methods. Parcells wants to build a love for learning in students.

“My teacher is really cool and I like that he lets us play games and every Friday we go outside to play football, also every morning I say hi to him with our secret language of “pues” where all words mean “pues”” Trent´s student Pedro Sierra said.

The new 2nd grade teacher tries to stay nice and positive both in his classroom and personal life.

“I like from my teacher that he is happy and nice” Parcells student, Pablo Mejia said.

From Walla Walla, in Washington, Trentino Parcells comes from an outgoing family and open-minded parents according to him. After working for 4 years at a school in Mexico he ended up at the Columbus School where he teaches kids to question everything.

“Question everything, I always tell my kids in my class that the main thing you can ask is why and if you don’t have an answer then you should not be doing it ” Trentino Parcells said.

Parcells said he had nowhere to go and that he may stay at Medellin forever.

“I have nowhere to go so maybe for ever unless they kick me out, I hope that does not happen” Trentino Parcells said.