Elementary discovers The Discoverer

The Discoverer editors  gave a presentation to the elementary kids and teachers  about The Discoverer. . On March 21st the goals was to excite the kids to read articles from the discoverer and for them to feel excited about the discoverer and it was accomplished.

Many elementary school students were not informed about The Discoverer, so the eleventh graders set out to educate them about the school’s newspaper, and to encourage them to read it and share their stories.

“We wanted to give this presentation to the elementary school kids and the staff so it was official that they were also part of the newspaper,” said Niño.

During the assembly the kids were asked if they knew about the school’s newspaper and more than a half had no idea it even existed. The goal of the 11th graders was to teach the kids how they can access and browse The Discoverer, and to show them they can be part of it too.

“We wanted to make the presentation interactive so the kids felt excited about the school newspaper, so we mainly focused on having animations and asking the kids questions,” said Niño.

The 11th grade students make the presentation really interactivity with the kids. The kids were engaged with the presentation and many of them had questions and stories they wanted to tell. They had very interesting stories that they wanted the news paper to cover.

The 11th grade students made sure to include the elementary kids in their presentation, who asked many questions and were eager to participate. Many said they had stories they would like to share and see in the newspaper.

“I think that the discoverer is underrated because of its lack of advertising. We need to explain to all of our stakeholders that it exists,” said.

The current goal of The Discoverer’s staff members is to create a poster, where kids can write stories they found interesting and would like The Discoverer staff writers to cover. This will facilitate things for the writers because it will be easier for them to know what to write about and who to look for when they are looking for interviews.

“The presentation that the high school students did motivated the elementary kids to read, and they are still asking how they can get involved and give story ideas,” said Ana Velez elementary vice principal.

The poster will be placed next year in the entrance of 3rd grade in front of the main office so it is easier for kids to find it and write down all the ideas and stories they want to tell and that they want to see posted in the school newspaper.

“The presentation that the high schoolers did was a great one and i am way more interested in the school newspaper now that i know where i can find it…I also want to share many interesting for the school newspaper to post.” said Lucia Fernandez second grade student.