Water Scarcity in La Guajira

In this photo we were in the school La institución del Cabo de la Vela.  This day was awesome. We arrived to the school and the teachers and students received us in a very lovely way. They gave us a traditional drink and snack– mazamorra and chivo and prepared us a dance. After that we gave each kid one lollipop. Our mission in this school was to give them water and supplies for one year. We paid for the water that is being sent and also for the educational kits we gave them. Around the school there wasn’t much water and sometimes plastic was on the ground but we noticed how the teachers were promoting the use of garbage cans with the students. La Guajira is facing a problem of water scarcity and tons of garbage residing in large desert areas, but with our help and their determination and attitude, we can all contribute to this issue.