Educating the Community


In Uribia, Colombia we can observe many clear problems like health, security, and education. In this photo I am in Uribia and an indigenous Wayuu boy came to me asking for food. I asked him where he was from and where his mom was, and he answered that he came from very far away. He got there by  walking 3 hours and his mom was in house and she sent him to look for food. This is a health problem because walking too much and not eating enough can have serious health problems, and also you never know what food can people give to him. Security is also an issue because he has 10 years old, and it is not safe for  a young boy to be walking from his house to Uribia everyday. You never know what bad people or influences are looking for people like him. Last but not least, education for a simple and enormous reason: instead of studying he is thinking about food, and he instead of being in the school he is looking for it.


Solutions for this include educating the parents of these children, or the people responsible for them. The parents need to be clear that their children’s  education is a priority because when children have an education they can help themselves. There is a saying that says “If you give a man a fish you will take his hunger away for a night. If you teach a man to fish, he will never be hungry again.”


Now when one family or child begs, other children see that and follow them. But, education spreads just like bad habits do. If children become educated, get better jobs, have more opportunities for themselves and their families, other people will notice and follow along. Remember, education is a positive chain full of opportunities. We can’t let more children fall into bad situations when this could be solved by studying.