New Alumni Representative Elected to SIT Committee

Alumni from the Columbus School confront a major change in the School Improvement Team (SIT) committee after the election of a new student representative, Natalia Arbeleaz.

Arbelaez was elected the this September as the new alumni representative, new to this role she says that everything will be given by her for the alumni. Wanting to reunite every alumni and bring them back to the school.

“I just started in this new role, so I have not seen much, just two weeks ago we had the first meeting, but one of the main topics we are working on this year is the certification process for the school and also to have the new strategy in the school,” Natalia Arbelaez student Representative in SIT committee, said.

While the year pass by some alumni disconnect with the school, both physically and with the people, but the new program wants to create a format where they can find each other and find someone that might help them with a job or with some issue they might be confronting. The creation of this network opens opportunities and creates a new network for alumni.

“I think this is a very special program that is still growing and that is trying to keep graduates together, the way it is being presented right now is changing now that it is becoming more robust, it has become a way for graduates to contact each other and keeping the union of a community,” Veronica Restrepo TCS alumni, said.

Natalia graduated the school in 2000, 18 years later she came as the student representative in the SIT Committee. In the SIT Committee every year alumni elect student representative that they want in the board this elected should talk for the student and present their proposals. The elected representative needs to give up some time for the board well other alumni might end up in need of help.

“Graduated Highschool in 2000, since I came back I wanted to participate in the SIT Committee, last year it was not possible for me because I was very busy, but this year I wanted to nominate myself, I wanted to give back to the school now that it gives us so many opportunities to us the students, and wanted to help as much as I can,” Arbelaez, said.

A connected school is an ultimate goal, they want to keep students and alumni together and want them to have a special connection, where they might need alumni and they can contact him easily, and he will be opened to the students.

“I want to promote more activities for alumni, I want them to have more interaction with other alumni and the students, I want to promote networking activities where they get in contact with students and other alumni,” Arbelaez said.