TCS Problems with Computer Facilities
While searching for a way to maximize student learning efficiency on technological devices, the school has caused a problem that goes opposite to what was intended.
One year ago, the library was managing a program in which students could loan computers for a certain amount of time. They took complete responsibility for the device and had to return it once their time was over. This year the program was stopped and many people who were used to loaning computers from the library, have had some academic difficulties.
“I think computers have become a very important tool for us in the school. I use mine in every subject, and it has become a requirement for students to bring computers every day to class. If we don’t, we get behind in the classwork,” mentioned junior Tomas Moreno.
Computers have become an essential tool for students during school because teachers post everything they do on the school’s web page, Schoology. They also constantly encourage the use of electronic devices as a way to improve and enhance the student’s learning process and develop skills that can help them in the future.
“I think it is also very important to consider that like on day one I tell my students they need to have a computer or a tablet every day when they come to my class and almost every single day they use,” stated Andy Ambron, English teacher at TCS.
Technological devices such as computers have become almost an everyday necessity for students. They have to arrange with their families in order to have these devices available for everyday use to keep up with the work. In some cases, students have problems bringing their own computer to class and fall behind on classwork with nothing to do about it.
“I found it really helpful when the library used to lend computers because I have to share the computer with my family, and I can’t bring it every day to class. This year the library doesn’t have this program anymore. Many students don’t know that 911 sometimes lends computers as well. It has become harder for students like me who didn’t use to bring computers to stay on track,” said 11th grader Tomas Moreno.
Although there are still ways to loan computers at the school, many people are not aware of this. Also, many teachers don’t allow students to go for one because they’re far away from the MS or HS buildings. Most teachers are not willing to sacrifice class time in order for a student to go grab a device, which prevents students from working.
“I would really like that the school arranged a new way for students to have easier access to technological devices,” said Moreno.