TCS Land Expansion Problems
Even though the Columbus School has a huge campus, it lacks of construction space.
One of the many reasons to this problem is that the government has passed many laws that prohibit forests around the school to be cut down.
“Students think that the school has lots of terrain available to build new buildings. When in reality the school has really limited space for new building or construction projects,” commented Elen Yepes, Admin Head.
At this moment the school has only about three available spaces for new projects or constructions. The problem is that most of this available places for construction are used very frequently by students and also in many events the school hosts.
“One of the available spaces would be the grass beside the highschool parking lot. But this would be very sad to sacrifice it for a construction because everyday I see people playing on it,” said Yepes.
Land around the school is very expensive and much of it is forest which can’t be cut down. The school has already taken in consideration two properties which are beside it, but they are really small and two expensive.
“We have talked to the neighbors who are willing to sell their land but they ask for too much money and the land size is actually kind of small, not what we are looking for,” said Yepes.
Because of the school`s construction projects like the new administration building, they are starting to look for more lands, terrains they could get to expand the school. Also they have plans for land that they own but can’t build buildings, like making new basketball courts, soccer courts.
“I really like the idea of the school making new courts for basketball because the coliseum court which is where I train is alright but I think we could have more space, also when it rains it becomes too overcrowded by other sport players who can’t play outside. I think that the school has plenty of space for future projects,” said Tomas Moreno, current student and basketball team player.
The school is preparing itself to avoid future problems when wanting to grow. This is because students require tons of space to be and work, and the school wants to satisfy every student that participates on it.
“The school is looking for ways to grow and expand but it actually faces many more problems than students know about” said Yepes.