Students and Social Media, a Double Edged Sword


Maria Alvarez checks her Instagram feed instead of studying for a calculus exam.

The glow of a smartphone screen illuminates the face of a young student late into the night, as they scroll endlessly through Instagram feeds. The pings and notifications constantly interrupt their concentration, as they struggle to keep up with the needless stream of information. As the hours tick by, the effects of social media begin to take hold, leaving the student exhausted, anxious, and struggling to keep up with the demands of school and daily life.

The rise of social media has coincided with a significant shift in the way that students interact with each other and engage with their coursework. On one hand, social media has the potential to enhance learning and facilitate communication between students and teachers. On the other hand, it has become a major distraction, leading to reduced academic performance, increased stress, and other negative outcomes for  TCS students.

“Social media has drastically impacted how students approach their education, with both benefits and drawbacks that can’t be ignored, this can be seen in their daily life and their actions towards this topic,” Senior Cipriano Uribe said.

The benefits of social media in education

Social media has become a popular tool for students and teachers to enrich the academic experience. By using social media platforms like Canva, Google Drive, Jamboards, and LinkedIn students can connect with their peers and instructors, collaborate on assignments, share resources, and obtain feedback.

“The integration of social media in education has opened up new opportunities for students to connect and collaborate with their peers and instructors in ways that were once impossible,” Jeronimo Mejia, Grade 11, said.

Apart from enhancing communication and collaboration, social media can aid in developing digital literacy skills as students learn to navigate through various platforms for effective communication such as Instagram or Tik Tok.

However, educators must also address potential risks like privacy concerns and ensure a respectful and inclusive online environment. As such, guidance and support from educators are essential for students to safely and effectively utilize social media for learning purposes. A survey of 35 TCS  high school students showed 60 percent of them believe social media has a negative impact on their life.

“I think that including social media in education can aid students in acquiring significant technology-related skills. However, it is the obligation of educators to guarantee a secure and comprehensive online environment for every student, knowing that social media can become a powerful, yet negative source,” Senior Miguel Mejia said.

The negative impact of social media on student academic performance

Although social media offers various advantages in education, it can have detrimental effects on students’ academic performance. Social media platforms can provoke distraction and divert attention away from students’ studies, which consequently decreases productivity and result in lower grades. 32 out of 35 high school students said social media has decreased their sleep quality and caused neglect of other responsibilities.

“As someone who is familiar with the appeal of social media, it’s essential for students to recognize the possible negative impact it can have on their academic performance. Thus, balancing their social media usage and prioritizing their education should be a top priority,” Felipe Naranjo, AP Psychology teacher, said.

Furthermore, social media can induce stress and anxiety, especially when students use it to compare themselves to others or experience cyberbullying. Research has also revealed that prolonged social media use can cause sleep deprivation, which can exacerbate these negative consequences. Therefore, it is essential for students to be mindful of their social media usage and establish healthy boundaries to avoid these potential drawbacks. 22 of the 35 students surveyed believe social media has a negative impact on their mental health.

“It’s crucial for us students to be aware of these potential drawbacks and establish healthy boundaries to maintain their well-being. I’ve seen a lot of friends suffer of mental instability thanks to social media and the bad information they consume, so I think its important to communicate the importance of mental health,” Pedro Jaramillo, Grade 10, said.

Strategies for managing social media use 

To manage the negative effects of social media, students should adopt a mindful approach to its use. This involves setting boundaries on screen time, being intentional with social media use, and avoiding comparing themselves to others.

It may also be helpful for schools and universities to provide resources and training on how to use social media in a productive way. This can include teaching digital literacy skills, providing guidance on how to engage in respectful and inclusive online interactions, and promoting the use of online communities that support students’ learning and well-being.

Ultimately, a balanced approach to social media use can help students to reap its benefits while minimizing its potential drawbacks.

“Students can manage the influence of social media by practicing mindfulness, which includes limiting screen time, being selective with what they view, and refraining from comparing themselves to others. It is essential for individuals to experiment and discover effective strategies that work for them in regulating their social media use and achieving a healthy equilibrium,” Senior Maria Jaramillo said.


Social media is a double-edged sword for students. It has the potential to enhance the learning experience but also to distract from academic goals and contribute to stress and anxiety. By staying informed and mindful of social media use, students can strive to create a healthier and more productive relationship with technology. By working together, educators, students, and social media companies can also play a role in creating a more positive and supportive online environment for learning and personal growth.