Medellin Welcomes December
La Alborada is a night where Colombians welcome the most awaited month of the year: December. This year, this tradition lands on a weeknight; however, this is no obstacle for TCS students.
La Alborada is a tradition celebrated in many cities of Colombia. Each year, on the last day of November, people get together for the arrival of December. This tradition is fully fueled by residents. Colombians enjoy shooting fireworks and partying until the morning. In this case, The Columbus School students are anxiously awaiting this night; having school the next day is no stumbling block when it comes to La Alborada.
“You know December has started because the 30 of November no one sleeps; they are either shooting the fireworks or hearing the fireworks,” said TCS Junior, Maria Londoño.
Colombians are known for their charisma and their value for traditions. La Alborada is taken extremely seriously in Medellin; there is no Alborada without fireworks and gunpowder. The whole night, citizens of Medellin hear and feel the adrenaline of the fireworks.
“You need to welcome December with fireworks, there is no other way,” said TCS Junior Maria Antonia Obando.
Obando is throwing an Alborada party herself. All of the dazzling colors of the fireworks fill with thrill every single resident of Medellin. The 30 of November is celebrated whether it’s a Monday or a Saturday night. People celebrate this tradition like there was no tomorrow.
“Since La Alborada is a Thursday, I need to go to school Friday and Alboradas tend to last until about 5 am. It’s going to be crazy,” said TCS Junior Maria del Mar Navarro.
In Navarro’s case, she is having about an hour of sleep before heading to school. In Alboradas you see the sun-set and you see the sun-rise.
“You know what they say: if it starts good it ends good,” said TCS Junior Tomas Echeverri.