Journalism activities in the library

Students from the 9th grade spanish class are being taken to the library to learn about crónica (journalism concept).

Johana Restrepo, the teacher in charge of this class, is taking all the 9th grade sections to the library 2 times a week to see Lina who is the library assistant, to teach them about journalism. This new program began being implemented on the 4th bimester and it’s been a very good resource for the students. They need to start preparing for their writing activities on journalism which makes his space really helpful for them. This is an opportunity for the students to learn different and interesting concepts.

“This is an activity to do something different, to change the space and also a different way of learning, I read to the students and then they perform what they learned in the articles or in the activities they need to do in class,” said Lina Isaza, TCS library assistant.

These kind of activities help the library a lot because it’s not only about going and asking for things to be shared or printing papers. It actually generates a learning environment.

“This is a space of formation in the library, not only a space about coming to the library for printing or making copies. It creates students that are reading and learning,” Isaza said.

The students have to develop all their learning in class with different activities like articles, commentaries, and synopsis.

“They are doing class work, where they need to do a text commentary and also perform an article, based on the reading. They also make a synopsis to see what they have learn,” Isaza add.

The 9th graders get the chance to change their learning environment during spanish class and have activities in the library to learn about journalism.

“They began a new content area called Journalism, so we were planning to have some activities in the library, and one of them was to have a read aloud by Lina to help them out,” said Connie González, TCS High School librarian.

This is a great opportunity for the students to learn a different things in spanish class and show their talent and skills.

“This is a different type of learning for the students because this area is a little bit different from the regular spanish class, so it allows the students to show their passions and abilities in journalism,” González explained.