Jans Sustainability Fair was born from a GCS project from last year. Agustin Ramirez and Sara Naranjo, TCS Juniors, worked together to make a brand at TCS that helps local, small sustainable businesses while simultaneously helping the community learn about their sustainable process
Jans Fair is a initiative that doesn’t just help the brands grow and gain exposure, but it also helps people working on the fair, learn and gain many skills, such as online communications, management, sales, and more.
This fair is a noble cause because many small businesses are online and don’t have the capital to open a store, yet. Nonetheless, consider that just to participate in other fairs of Medellin, they have to pay expensive fees that do not guarantee success. Thanks to the TCS’s amazing campus, business have a space where they have a no-cost fair while at the same time providing them with a lot of customer traffic.
This fair also addresses the future of our community, as we know sustainability in the TCS community is important, a huge deal so Jans Fair participants are banned from using and banning plastic and having recycling bins in the fair is another great opportunity to help the environment one step at a time. The future depends on having better ways to use our technology and make sustainable and healthy products. The JANS fair offers many sustainable solutions from local brands.
The Jans sustainability fair was the winner last year out of all the GCS projects at TCS. The main reason was that out of all the projects, this fair had a long-lasting effect that could help not only the school but the brands as well. This project helps the new generations of the school have a sense of what the future technologies will bring and how they can use them to make a better world.
Expanding the fair has made 2024 the second year of the JANS sustainability fair at school and already having at least another year confirmed of the project, the JANS sustainability fair continues to grow. This year the team doubled the amount of brands with more than 20 different entrepreneurs coming to school. It is also planned for this fair to have new interactive and magnificent activities, as a possible raffle having 2 fairs in the 2024-2025 school year .
Finally, the most important aspect of this fair is that it encourages future high school students to make projects that aren’t just for class. It motivates them to make projects that they feel strongly about. It’s not just about getting social hours or getting a 4 in a class. This project was about using the time and tools to make something that persists over time and can change people’s lives for the better.
The conclusion is that the JANS fair initiative is a great opportunity for the school to teach and raise awareness of the importance of sustainable products. If you can participate and come next school year you are strongly advised to do so. This fair is a way to teach, to learn, and to grow as a community.