Heroe Camina’s Reform

The process of choosing three 11th grade students, in order to become Hero Camina’s leaders’ shadows, has been going on over the last couple of weeks and it has been a very tough decision. This is done in order for the juniors to become the up and coming leaders.

Camila Duque, Susana Mejia and Diego Botin, 12th grade students at TCS are conducting a series of interviews in order to appoint from a wide pool of candidates three capable leaders charged of resolving the current problems Heroe Camina faces. The renovation intends to help the program acquire a greater success since these leaders will be now trained from past years.

“There have been a lot of changes in Heroe Camina,” stated Mejia, one of the three leaders. “We decided that the best thing we could do for this program so that it can keep on growing and becoming better is for us to choose three people that are shadows for the three different areas that we cover.”

This improvement will definitely help not only with the development of this year’s Heroe Camina but it will ensure a rewarding outcome further down the years.

“Having some shadows that know what the process is we make the program run smoother. We won´t go through the struggle that we had earlier this year, that we didn’t have Heroe for the first five weeks,” said Mejia.

In order to place adequate people for these jobs, a variety of interviews took place to students who volunteer constantly and really take upon the program by themselves.

“Right now we are doing some interviews to volunteers that we’ve seen are very disciplined; people who like the program, have leadership skills and that we’ve seen they can interact very well with the heroes,” said Duque.  

Heroe Camina has helped not only students develop their leadership and social skills but it also has impacted the heroes’ lives tremendously.

“This program has impacted my life, it has helped me to overcome my educational adversities. It has given me a unique opportunity to change my future. Definitely, this program must continue to achieve greater accomplishments and improve the lives of everyone around me,” said Oscar Marin Martinez, a hero taking part of this program.