Elementary School Students Take Character Counts Values Home

The Columbus School Elementary students are taking home the Character Counts values taught in school so they can truly learn, understand and use them in their everyday lives.

The Columbus School hopes that the Character Counts values become something natural that students grow up with. They should be able to tell what’s wrong from what’s right at a young age and the six pillars will help accomplish this.

“We are working on educating the parents so they implement the Character Counts values in their children’s life outside school;  it is fantastic when we are in sync and educate students in similar ways,” Annia Duran, TCS Elementary School Principal, said.

Positive discipline, as well as the Character Counts pillars have been introduced to both parents and students. The goal is that when children do something wrong they can understand what they did wrong and why it’s wrong, instead of just knowing that they can’t do it again.

According to the website HealthyChildren.org, discipline works better when parents and their children understand what behavior is expected and the consequences if they don’t behave in that certain way.

School can be a stressful place and most students struggle with behavioral issues at various times, even if it is only occasionally. Since the Character Counts values have been implemented more consistently,  Principal Duran has noticed students have a better understanding of the consequences of their actions.

“Parents are introduced to  Character Counts values since before their children are even enrolled in school, once they know about them they are free to decide how much or how little they want to use them at home,” E.S. counselor Ana Maria Mendoza said.

Students all over school know the Character Counts values and in Elementary School, each value has it’s own mascot to help students remember all six. The next step is to teach students how to practice each of the values in their daily lives, both inside and outside school.

“Since my brother Gabriel is in K-5 we have started using the school values at home. We’ve definitely noticed a change in his behavior since we started and I feel it’s because those six values are constantly reinforced so he understands why something’s wrong or right,” Rosario Jaramillo, 11th grade student and sister of K-5 student Gabriel Jaramillo, said.

The Character Counts values are used in every class, so they effortlessly blend into student’s lives. In P.E. class, teacher Jorge Wilson ends every lesson by asking his students which Character Counts values they used during the class.

“I practice honesty during P.E. class because when we play tag I don’t lie. I accept that I’ve been caught and have a good attitude,” Lucas Mejía, 3rd grader, said.