Apple vs. Samsung
The smartphone war each time gets tougher and tougher, two giant, high-end flagships have been competing for top place this year, Apple’s iPhone XS and Samsung’s Galaxy S 10.
First let’s talk about the Samsung Galaxy S 10. This a relatively new phone that comes with a revolutionary design, it comes with a selfie camera cut-out. Basically, this little hole of a camera is a circular lense within the display of the device. The camera eliminates the top vessel entirely, creating never-before seen design in Samsung phones. On the other hand, we have the iPhone XS, it also comes with a modern design that defines what a modern phone should look like. In contrast to the S10, the iPhone uses a full array of cameras and sensors at the top of the device to integrate their new Face ID technology. Both of the designs have the intention of eliminating the phone’s vessels, but it is easy to notice one of them did a better job than the other. In my opinion, Samsung did a much better job eliminating the top vessel, because they actually achieved it. The Apple’s design in the iPhone XS still includes a vessel, just a reduced version of one.
In the technological world, the USB-C charger has become a trend and most of technology brands are turning to this type of charger, helping it become the “standard”. Computers, phones, smart devices, etc. are all starting to use the new port and companies launching their new products have opted for it. Apple, being the top tech brand, is running On Behind on this and are giving people the impression they don’t want to make the USB-C charger “a thing”. Their new iPhones continue to come with their old port, the lighting connector, a strange decision taking into account the new Macbooks that actually come with USB-C. Having a look at the other tech brands like Samsung or Huawei, both of them for example have implemented this USB-C charger in basically all of their new devices. Personally, I think that if Apple’s next phone does not come with the USB-C type charger they are totally doing a mistake and think Samsung took the right decision including it since their Galaxy S8 model. Having USB-C become the universal charger for basically anything, will be a very practical move made by technological companies.
Long ago Apple got rid of the auxiliary port in their iPhone devices. This change in the iPhone model was extremely negative, but it didn’t sway apple fans from still buying their phones. So, not only does Apple to their branded charger but it also takes away the aux port. The newest Samsung release, the S10 has both USB-C and auxiliary ports, making this phone model more practical and more considerable choice to future customers. In my opinion, even if my entire life I have always been an Apple type of guy, this new Samsung model has really got my attention. It has tons of assets, a clean design, practical tech ports, the new cut-out camera. Normally what makes me don’t like Samsung products, is that they are not pretty, not clean. But specially in this model, the S10 having a very clean design and its compatible ports, makes me consider want this phone.
In my opinion, I would definitely have a hard time deciding whether choosing the iPhone XS or the Samsung S10, knowing that both of this devices provide a very complete experience. How I am a huge Apple fan I would probably prefer the iPhone, but certainly this Samsung model is a very considerable and tempting device.