Alumni share business experience with Seniors


The TCS Class of ’99 alumni hosted the ASOPAF Entrepreneurship Conference at the theater on February 10 where they shared their stories as entrepreneurs in order to demonstrate that success comes in many different forms.

Facilitators Carlos Beltrán and Sebastián Molina exposed the hardships they faced and how these served them to reach success in their careers. During the keynote, students interacted with the speakers and participated in questions and discussions.

“If I’m honest, I didn’t expect much from the talk, because most of these conferences are just the person in the stage talking and talking, which becomes a bit boring. But these situations, specifically this one, were incredibly engaging” Senior Maria Isabel Tavera  said.

Throughout the presentation, the speakers highlighted their successes and failures within their business ventures. They described their small cattle business that reached a maximum of 6 cows and later on their multi-billion peso businesses ranging from led screens to plastic box rentals with the intention of teaching Senior students a lesson.

“I think I correlate with what you guys are doing. I mean, we’ve had the same idea, the same thoughts, same uncertainty, same fears. I’m trying to guide them in a way of light,” Beltrán said.

Although the speakers praised many seniors who plan to become entrepreneurs, they did not put this career over any other, stating that success can be achieved from any path in life. Many students seemed to connect with the conference as the guest speakers understood the seniors’ position and could empathize with them.

“The talk today was about entrepreneurship. More specifically, Carlos and Sebastian, who graduated from the school in 1999. I think this was one of the most interesting parts, because they can relate to us [as TCS students],” Tavera said.

At the end of the conference, the speakers were open to questions and answered the senior’s doubts. They explained their life experiences and paths taken in college. Also, they narrated some of their business trips and how the valuable lessons they learned from them.

“They opened up for questions and I think it was very captivating, because both of them left management for a really long time and then came back. One of them explained that he traveled to Spain and also went to the USA, and learned a lot from his experiences outside. On the other hand, the other speaker explained how he had to face a lot of adversities before he reached success,” Tavera said.

The guest speakers described the meeting as a cool way to give back. Beltrán also gave a piece of advice to the seniors regarding their decision-making about their professional future.

“Well, I think we talked a bit about it in our presentation. It seems you might be overwhelmed with the amount of decisions that you’re taking right now, but just take it one at a time,” Beltrán said.

Beltrán concluded the event with a metaphor that according to him is useful for everyone unsure about their future.

“How can you eat an elephant? You eat it one bite at a time.” Beltrán said.