3rd Quarter Time Change Affects HS
The New quarter three time change, might turn out to be a silver lining for students academics and workload in the HS community.
This new school year, the change was implemented to make the third quarter, 2 weeks shorter. Claimed by the directives to set up the balance to the time division among the school year and cut failing students per year. The change has managed to call the attention among the HS student body and stand out the repercussions the new timing brings to the School.
“First and second bimester students grades are awesome and once the third hits, students begin to fail. With the new change, student grades will show more consistency and liberate stress that children have when working too much,” Valentina Velez 11th grade student, said.
Furthermore, other than grade percentage improving among the students, the material they deliver to the courses changes too.
“It drastically reduces the workload, and benefits student performance, students will not have that much workload and as a result turn in better quality material, ” Juan Felipe Gaviria 11th grade student and vice secretary in MUN, said.
With the improvement of work comes also the opportunity for students to make up work that they missed or did not have a passing grade on their course.
“We had to make the weeks more even; it was unfair for all quarters to have the same 25 percent weight for all quarters, it’s a great opportunity for people that are struggling in some classes to be granted the opportunity to have more time in the last quarter, ” Juan David Lopez HS principal, said.
According to students, the change will improve the school’s overall academics but simultaneously reduce stress for them,
With the new change student grades will show more consistency and liberate stress that children have when working too much the Columbus school will become a rigorous academic but easy-going for students.” Gaviria said
With the student body in favor of the change, it’s upon debate whether the change will continue or will be manipulated in any way.
“We have to analyze the numbers and if we can check the change to be positive it will definitely stay that way.” Lopez said.