We Are Not Alone

More than 30 potential habitable exoplanets have been found in other solar systems. With science shifting its focus to expanding the knowledge of the infinite and unknown universe, the recurring doubt referring to life outside planet Earth becomes less debatable. With the information known about the universe even though limited, proof of hundreds of galaxies existing near is assured stating openly that life does exist somewhere in the universe.

The key to all life is carbon, a light and abundant element that makes life flexible. Besides carbon, water is also a prerequisite for life since it allows organisms to transport cells in and out. Besides this two, energy such as heat is necessary for life to bloom and prosper in a planet. With these three requisites stated, search for life becomes more specific and narrowed.

Through careful research scientists have found numerous planets that could support life. Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons follows all prerequisites for life to breed and prosper. This is only in our solar system, imagine the possibilities in the universe being vast and infinite.  Calla Cofield, a renounced and famous scientist states that there is “at least a 92 percent chance that we are not the only civilization the universe will ever have.” With statistics this high, the fact that life exists somewhere else in the universe is almost assured and cannot be simply denied. Cofield also stated that “By one estimation, for every grain of sand on Earth, there could be as many as 10 Earth-like planets in the universe.” The proofs are seen in planets that have been found such as WASP-12b that was recently discovered, being categorized as a Carbon-rich planet that might support life. It all contributes to the theory that we as humanity are not alone in the universe. There might be other civilizations just as advanced as humanity lurking the universe.

Even though some people might believe that life on Earth was only possible because of a series of coincidences regarding evolution, it is obvious that these same coincidences could happen in the millions of planets currently in the universe. Just as Earth was able to develop life, the hundreds of exoplanets with the same conditions as Earth could develop living organisms as well. This reasonings doesn’t account for the fact that the universe is continuously growing and infinitely expanding.

Life on other planets beside Earth is definite. With the amount of habitable planets found in our near galaxies, considering that the universe is continuously expanding life is guaranteed to exist somewhere else. We humans are not alone in the universe.