The Art of Video Games
Video games may have the same importance in art, as the paintings of Pablo Picasso in Picasso Museum in Paris, France. Most of the teenagers agree with the idea that video games are a new way of art because graphics complexity, beauty, precision, and approach to reality convert video games in art. However, there are some video games that have to be removed from the art. Other techniques are being implemented in the art of video games.
Video games are much more than a database to play, they can be just like a piece of art. The art of video games is not only in the playing, one aspect that should be considered as art is the making of those. There are a lot of circumstances when they include material from narrative fiction films, sports, and music to build the digital animations that are a perfect piece of art.
A stunning 67% between 18-29 years support that video games can be forms of art, demonstrating that new generations believe in this different way of seeing art. Statistics show to many people that video games include content that converts this diversion in art, especially in the difficulty of programming to build a game. Historical theories concede films as a way of art, so based in this theories all video games would be considered as art because of the include pellicles in all the games.
Here at The Columbus School 4 of 5 students in High School believe that video games are just like a piece of art, one more piece of evidence that manifest that they are art. Dialogs and innovative designs are arguments that support that video games are part of the art world.
Video games have a 40-year development as an artistic movement, explaining why new generation think video games should be considered as art. Writing, sculpture, cinematographic-video, music, and painting It is an artistic method, which makes people interested in many of these games. Although old generations express that it is no art, the big majority of today breeding are rationalizing all the parameters this art have, recognizing the work of the creators.
To conclude, video games are an exceptional way to demonstrate art. On the other hand, it has been shown that almost all the parameters that build a video game are considered art. But it is important that all people understand why video games are art, in this way they would be considered them art.