Teenagers Affected by Violent Video Games

Stores should not sell violent video games to minors because these are leading to misbehave and even go to the point to be violent.

Video Games have been around for many years, and every year there’s an argument that says that violent games lead to a dramatic change in attitudes of minors, coming from minors, can you believe that an 18-year-old killed this innocent woman who had nothing to do with him.

In many parts of the world people disagree with the idea that a simple action video game can change a minor’s behavior, for example in the United States, in California they’ve tried to pass a bill that states a banning of selling or even renting this kinds of games, the worst thing is that they know for fact that there’s an opposing side that says that they are supported by the first amendment which is the freedom of speech, they say that this is similar to the case of the selling of alcohol drinks or even selling tabaco.

On the Columbus School Middle School students disagree with the idea that they don’t affect minors to get to the point where they start misbehaving in class or even getting to the point of attacking they own schoolmates.

“I don’t think violent video games lead to misbehavior since the events don’t happen in real life,” Tomas Tobón, 8th grader, said.

Another Middle School student that agrees with Tobon states that his being playing this games for a long time now and that his behavior hasnt changed a bit.

When looking at the different games that are violent there are many that pop up such as, Call of Duty, Battlefield, Assassins Creed, Star Wars Battlefront, Halo, God of War, Uncharted, Grand Theft Auto, and many more. In the case of Grand Theft Auto, this game is very offensive and influential to these minors because it has sexually explicit content, which might affect them, the Bologna University found out that watching this kinds of games, leave the kids with short-term psychological effects or even to the point of being cardiovascular harm for this minors. Many of the solutions that the parents of their children are trying to figure out is what would happen if they put them in higher shelves where they can’t see them.