TCS Teachers Stand Tall with Technology

Teachers that use technology in class are helping their students and class to be more efficient. The good use of technology by teachers helps students learn faster, learn more, and be better. With technology, teachers are now able to teach more topics in a class, and students are able to get more information for a subject. One Columbus School teacher takes advantage of technology and uploads textbook pictures into the school’s website, making students’ life easier and preventing them from carrying their heavy textbooks in their backpacks. Thanks to all the ways teachers make a good use of technology, classes are easier to understand and easier to work on.

Due to teachers good use of technology in class, work is done faster and more standards and goals are being achieved in less time. Technology’s help allows students to gather more information about a same topic in no time. According to author Brian Cook, the information superhighway is rapid. Updated information can be obtained with a simple click. Students  learn and also create information, availing them to have a “voice”. Instead of needing to go to the library and search for textbooks, students can just brows, type some few letters, and make a couple of clicks to get all sorts of information. The good use of technology makes everything faster by reducing time and work needed to find information.Besides rapidness in which information is provided, technology provides a vast net of resources to choose from.

In Columbus School 11th grade English classes, the teacher encourages a good use of technology by letting students use internet to search for sources of information, as well as posting their work so classmates can revise it, and publishing their work as well. This good use of technology helps students enhance their work, and gives them an opportunity to make their work visible for the world. Due to teachers good use of technology, students have an opportunity to get different reviews on their writing from different points of view, and that way increase their work quality.

Some may argue that technology is used more in a bad way rather than a good supportive way. While technology can be used to search for information sources, it can also be used to search websites such as Facebook or Youtube, where students can get distracted from their duty and make a bad use of technology and class time.

Some classes in the Columbus School, teachers don’t use technology correctly. Students in classes like Precalculus, have a hard time due to the teacher’s lack of use of technology. Besides the subject being difficult by itself, the teacher could allow students to search for explanation videos in case something isn’t clear. The teacher could help students’ understanding by making a better use of technology in class. By giving a good use of technology students could have an “extra hand”, by watching tutorials, or searching for formulas in the web.

Our school should encourage teachers to make a good use of technology.Not only making a good use of technology helps teachers, but also students. Teachers see themselves benefited by a good use of technology by getting support to explain their lessons, and making class time more effective. In the other hand, students benefit from this good use of technology by having a chance to share their work with the world,  having a chance for multiple classmates to read/revise their writing, and having a more accessible and easier way to search for topics.