Amalia Gutierrez on “The Dark Side of a Relationship”

Dear Editors, 

When I read the article “The Dark Side of a Relationship” I thought that it was interesting how you took a completely different point of view regarding a relationship during high school and what to look out for. I learned that although we all know that having a relationship during high school can bring joy, improve social life and create memories, there are also various downsides that maybe not all of us have as clear as the upsides. You mentioned that it can affect our academic performance and our mental health sometimes. I liked that you proved your information with quotes from various students that have had personal experiences with this topic and know what relationships in high school cost.  

Even if you did have very good points I don’t particularly agree when you mentioned that kids in high school are still in the process of figuring themselves out and because of this being in a relationship is harder. I believe that even if having that level of commitment at a young age might present challenges, having relationships is a part of getting to know ourselves and improving as human beings. 

My opinion on this topic is that while relationships during high school have downsides and ”dangers” we as teenagers have to learn how to take risks and how to deal with the problems that any relationship might bring. 

I really enjoyed the structure of your article and the fact that it was fairly organized and easy to understand. You touched on topics that are interesting and important to talk about. You showed us the personal and outside points of view which helps a lot with understanding your ideas and topic. 


Amalia Gutierrez.