Is Tardy Policy a Whim, or Is It Really For Our Benefit?

Tardy policy at TCS has become a controversial topic that is often discussed by students and administration. Even though students don’t comprehend the positive effect the policy is having over their responsibility,  it’s results over the decreasing amount of tardies prove that the policy is having a positive influence over TCS community´s future. Last year there was no tardy policy and the amount of tardies was excessive.  Since the new policy started, students have 3 free strikes and then for every tardy they need to stay 10 minutes in lunch. Since it’s really strict, students just complain, but directives prove to be satisfied by the effect the policy is having.

“This policy make students a lot more responsible and they get on time because they don’t want to be punished,” High School Principal Roger Arbabi said. This policy is changing students mentality of not caring nor taking serious the fact of getting punctual to class. If there is not consequence for this, students will get used to get late to everything and that is not good. “This is the 3rd school that had to come in and apply a tardy policy to make sure students arrive to class on time,” Arbabi said. The school is just a preparation for our future, if we have a formal education, we will be formal citizens. If the school encourage students to get to class on time, being punctual will be a habit in their adult life.

Statistics show that the latin culture is one of the most unpunctual cultures in the world, which complements to why the administration wants see a change in TCS students daily life. “We are dealing with the latin culture too, and the restriccion on time seem to be more fluent,” Arbabi said.  Teachers gave some opinion about the policy and said how last year it has a huge problem and how this new year the policy needed to be strict for students. “ I think latenes was perceived as a big problem last years so some policy needed to be put into a fact, students shy away from getting the detention so the tardy policy had be functioning,” Jhonatan Sckolnick 9th grade english teacher said. Although students critic this efficient way of punishment and say it doesn’t work for anything, it has make a big change in statistics in some of the students in 11th grade. Simon Abisaad 11th grade students explained how last year in the first semester he finished with 58 tardies, and how in this new year with the policy he only has 23. With this stats people can see it’s not only a stupid policy but it makes students thinks and start actioning.  

To close out even though students at TCS renegade about this its a really efficient way to put students on time and make them more responsible. Tardy policy has change in a good way all of our habits and the school is making the correct decisions for us, we the students need to start thinking more about even thought this way of consequences may seem like stupid, its really helpful and important for our lives and its little things that change our way of thinking. If the tardy policy was not applied maybe in the future we will start getting comfortable about being late and unpunctual to whatever thing we have and we will have a lot of problems in our future live.