COSMUN preparations kick into high gear
The TCS Model of the United Nations prepares for the COSMUN 2023 event which will include new characteristics with the purpose of a more enriching experience for students.
Secretaries General, Logistics, and Press leaders had to acquire sponsors, select team members, send invitations to international and national students, create and revise guides for the committees among others to ensure the quality and efficiency of the event.
“We have worked a lot in making the event happen, we are very excited and at the same time nervous because we want everything to go smoothly,” Juana Wolf, Grade 11, said.
Registration for the press and logistics teams was defined two weeks ago by the president of logistics, Pedro Neumann, with vice-president, Ambar Alvarez, Amalia Sierra and press president Camila Pelaez with vice-president Amelia Restrepo and Maria Arango. Meetings for the whole press and logistics team were held last week and jobs such as videography, classroom organization, news coverage, registration process and staff organization have been assigned to each press/logistics member.
“To organize the event you have to look for organized students as this is an event that takes a lot of time and effort,” Sierra, Grade 11, said.
A total of 250 delegates, 41 logistics and 21 press members signed for the event. Different from past COSMUN, national and international students were invited to attend. Attendees include delegates from Santa Marta, Cali, Bucaramanga and Costa Rica.
“Nothing would be possible without the good and anticipated preparation of Cosmun,” Manuela Isaza, Grade 10, said.
Some of the last minute details the board has attended include explanation of floor secretary job to the 5th graders, final delegation assignments for each committee and guidance from the presidents to their committee delegates regarding their portafolio.
“The most interesting thing is to see how the small details made in the preparations make COSMUN a success,” Ambar Alvarez, Grade 11, said.
The logistics team is the group in charge of getting the sponsors, this year, they gathered 44 companies to participate. Some of the current COSMUN sponsors are Nutrium, Postobon, Monterojo, Nutresa, Glacial, and Susanita.
“The most difficult thing is finding sponsorships because it is where you have to measure how big the event is and it is where you have to get everything for the event, which is very difficult,” Alvarez, said.
Some last minute problems have arisen. Schools such as Colegio Aleman and CNG canceled, meaning that delegations had to be re-arranged. Also, fee payment has been an issue since some students that are not eligible pay, some paid the fee for another job, some still haven’t paid.
“COSMUN helps you create new skills for a lifetime, it is both a lot of work that will lead to a great reward,” Isaza, said.