Triplets; Triple Trouble
According to The Multiples of America Organization; 0.10% of all American births in 2015 were triplets. What are the chances that two sets of triplets are in the same school and all of them are on their sophomore year, where there are less than 100 students? Being a teenager and starting a new school is hard enough; is being a triplet a blessing or a curse?
The Hurtado and Pearl triplets are in their sophomore year in high school at The Columbus School. All of them have moved cities more than two times, and they state that being a triplet is a plus when it comes to moving. However, being a triplet has negative aspects as well. They are compared a lot by their peers and even their teachers.
A teacher’s point of view
The Pearl triplets just moved to Medellin, they didn’t know anyone. For them, being in the same class can be a total disadvantage when it comes to socializing. When triplets are paired up in the same class, this can encourage them to work together and be less open to work with other students.
Andrew Ambron is the current English Teacher for the sophomores at the school. He has the pleasure of having two siblings in the same class; Ann and Dominique Pearl.
When asked if he compared the sisters with each other, he stated, “I think it’s hard not to, especially to compare siblings that are triplets, but in reality it is the same as comparing any two students.”
Studies have shown that siblings that work together tend to be very competitive with each other. They also tend to have problems socializing since they already have their other half, or in this case their other third with them.
“I don’t think it makes much of a difference with those two girls. For one of the projects they decided to work together in the same group, and for our current project each of them decided to do it individually,” said Ambron.
Interacting with other people is not the only area that seems to be affected. Many times triplets and twins can be wrongly judged by their teachers.
“I have been a consultant on a number of cases involving identical twins wrongly accused of cheating. Identical twins think alike and process information alike, so when they deliver tests with similar answers, there may be suspicions of cheating on the part of their teachers and professors,” stated Nancy L Segal Ph.D.
As stated in the quote, having triplets in the same classroom can be extremely controversial. Many people state that working with family members often leads to disagreements. This can either be a complete lie or a complete truth. Some triplets manage to work in a striking way. On the other hand, some triplets get on each other’s nerves. Therefore, schoolwork should be separated from their family lives. The triplets need to decide whether they can handle a work relationship with their siblings and bring the best from each other, or if a simple project is going to turn into world war three…
The best thing of being a triplet in high school
For the Hurtado triplets, having two siblings was a positive aspect when they moved from place to place. They have lived in more than 3 countries and changing schools can be an emotionally draining situation.
When asked about their school experience; Sofia Hurtado said,“ [My brothers]were the first people I was surrounded [by] in school”.
Normally, when students move schools they need to leave their old friends behind, and starting in a new school with no friends can be extremely challenging. Imagine yourself entering a new high school, where you have no idea where to go or who to talk to, the only thing you want is someone to have your back. The Hurtado triplets had this advantage. Where ever they moved they always had two best friends no matter what.
“The best thing is that you always have someone there for you;you never feel lonely. You always have two friends with you,” said Sofia Hurtado.
The negative aspect of being a triplet in high school
“They always compare us,we were learning similarities in math class and they started comparing us.. we were basically a math lesson,” said Hurtado.
Sofia Hurtado talked about a specific scenario where the teacher and fellow students compared her with her brothers. People tend to compare triplets since they have the idea that they act and think the same. However, the Pearl and Hurtado triplets have made it loud and clear that each of them is unique and has its own personality. They are completely happy for who they are.
“We have one class that the three of us are together [physics] and I enjoy seeing them in the class, however I wouldn’t like to have all the classes with them because I wouldn’t be as independent and I know I would be really closed,” said A.Pearl.
Ann Pearl is aware that having both of her siblings in the same class can curb dependence on each other. Having triplets in the same classroom can create even more comparisons and opportunities for competitiveness.
Sofia Hurtado talked about a specific time where a teacher asked more from her brothers since she gets better grades. She explained how frustrated she felt when this occurred because all of them have their own qualities, and they shouldn’t be compared to one another.
“At the end of the day, every individual student is their own individual student, and I try to look at them as individuals and not as a set of siblings,” said Ambron.
“We are opposites from each other;every one says we are very unique in our own way,” said A.Pearl