Presentation Teaches TCS Students About Safe Sex

Sex Education in TCS has always been a vital material for student learning. Profamilia organization came this Friday to the school to emphasize this information with the 11th-grade students

A group of professional teachers stopped by on December 1 of 2017 where they taught the students from 8:00 am to 10:00 am in the band room and the art gallery.The school wanted to show the students key information that really helps them for their future.

”I believe that the different subjects that we approach are important for 11th grade. In this location we emphasized with sexuality, but not because it was more important than the other ones,” Ana Garcia, High School Counselor, said.

Through this type of capacitation, students got to know a lot of details which they were ignorant to. Plenty of anecdotes and past events were mentioned in this spaces where they realized that a lot of stuff related to sexuality does not work the way they thought.

”The males are actually much more fertile than women, there are a lot of biological functions that humans are actually aware of, “ Cristian Alexander, Profamilia Member, said.

Amounts of myths and wrong beliefs have survived for plenty of years and they´re still leading the people, it’s important for this student to start to question such wrong ideas, stake out aspects from our sexuality and have real information that by the end they input sexuality in a healthy and pleasant way.

”Even though sexuality each day is surrounded by more information, it keeps to be a taboo and a thing that its managed from the morbid next to the ignorance,” Alexander said.

It’s important to know how important this type of academical spaces are for students, how they can make a positive effect and how they might teach other key things that aren´t mainly centralized with the idea.

”This type of spaces can become into situations where we let them have an open conversation about his and contribute to self-caring and decision making,” Alexander said.

The school pretends to offer information from valuable sources which help the students guide their decisions in this type of situations that adolescents live and that this type of decisions is responsible and ethical.

”I believe that with more opportunities it exists a bigger chance to learn new stuff. It would be really valuable to have more training spaces like this one in the year,”  Garcia said.

The school made a drastic change compared to past years, they decided to divide the spaces based on genders. The boys went to the band room and the girls to the art room.

”As I explained that day, it was a matter of logistics to divide the groups in half.Anyway, we believe that we can take advantage of this division because it allows deepening in topics, doubts or specific questions for each gender,” Garcia said.

Students from 11th grade shared their personal view about this type of spaces, were many of them saw it as a waste of time but others actually believed this was a key time that could end up being helpful for life.

”I believe that sex ed days are helpful not only for 11th graders but also for the rest of the School, I think this is something crucial because it will allow acquiring knowledge about this because this is a really big problem for people that have our age,” Juan Jose Escobar, 11th grader said.