New Board Elected for COSMUN 2023


COSMUN Secretary General Sofia Valencia and Commission Presidents listen to a presentation.

The COSMUN junta directiva 2023 members were elected during the closing ceremony of COSMUN 2022 on March 4.

Sofia Valencia, Secretary-General of COSMUN 2022, announced the new members of the board who will be responsible for organizing and planning next year’s event in the hands of Junior Santiago Villegas, as well as revealing her decision to change the organization of the board by incorporating more members.

“Having a bigger team will benefit COSMUN a lot in the sense that we will have a more functional system, not only depending on two people like we had to do this year,” Santiago Villegas, COSMUN 2022 General Under Secretary, said. 

After his process and contribution to the UN models over the years, and having the role of General Under Secretary on COSMUN 2022, the new general secretary for COSMUN 2023 is Santiago Villegas, Grade 11. 

 “My biggest responsibility is to be a good example and a good leader since now I am the head of COSMUN, I know I am prepared and ready for the challenges that will come,” Villegas said. 

The COSMUN board 2022 decided to maximize its efficiency and adapt to the events’ constant change, having 3 General Under Secretaries, instead of just one, for COSMUN 2023. 

“It’s better to have three secretaries because the workload is very heavy for only one person being General Under Secretary, and I think we make a really good team together,” Maria Correa, Grade 10, said.

The helping hands of the general secretary are usually two, and have the role of General Under Secretary. With the changes implemented for next year’s event, the board chose Maria Correa, Mariana Mesa, and Juana Wolff to occupy this role. 

 “I felt really happy and satisfied because I put a lot of effort and hard work into COSMUN, and I also wanted to help rookie delegates have a good experience,” Correa said. 

Elisa Abad, president of logistics, along with Sofia Urrea, press president, chose the new presidents for the upcoming year’s event. Leaving logistics in the hands of junior Pedro Neumann, and pressing in the hands of sophomore Camila Peláez. 

“I’m not nervous to be press president because I think I have prepared over the last few years and events for this in a way I never thought I could. I also learned a lot from my mentor, Sofia Urrea,” Camila Pelaez, Grade 10, said. 

The members elected for the 2023 board will have the responsibility to plan and carry out the event and will have to work as a team to deal with the challenges.

“Responsibility and commitment are crucial characteristics people on the board need to have, COSMUN would not be possible without the compromise of the board, and I know we will make a great team for COSMUN 2023,” Villegas said.