New 10th Grade Teacher Joins the Sociales Department

New 10th grade Sociales teacher Karol Viviana Marín began working with Columbus School students February 20. 

She was hired to replace Berta Viana who resigned to take another position. Ms. Marín was welcomed by the High School Sociales department and later met her students.

“The first was a week of contrast. I am super happy because the humanitarian part of the school is very good, the administrative part and the teachers,” Marín said.

Then she met her students, who were cautious because of the departure of the two former Sociales teachers this year. Previous teachers had trouble with the discipline, so when Ms. Marín arrived, she was warned about this and so were the students. 

“With the 10th grade kids it really has been a complex work because of discipline. There are also trust issues with the students because they’ve had several difficulties regarding Sociales teachers.” Marín said. 

Despite all the disruptions over the past few weeks, classes are now working on relevant Sociales content. One of Marin’s goals as a Sociales teacher is to teach not only her students but others in the school.

“We are designing interviews to make a group of people in the school to know how well informed they are about the general history of Colombia from the currency, and the relationship with the tax reform. We were analyzing the new police code, and also creating an internal code within the Sociales class that allows me to adapt to their pace of work and for them to adapt to mine,”  Marín said.

Upon arrival at the school Marin received an orientation from Department Head Juan Carlos Ledezma, who also taught the 10th graders for a brief period before the position was filled.

“There is always a meeting with each teacher who comes to the institution, the meetings have a purpose introducing the teacher to the department, goals for the school year.” Juan Carlos Ledezma, 12th grade philosophy teacher and High School Sociales Department Head, said.

Ms. Marín is a graduate of Social Sciences from the University of Caldas, systems and telecommunications engineer graduated from the University of Manizales and she is currently doing a master’s degree in engineering in the field of health security, environment and quality.

Karol Viviana was selected for her professional, pedagogical and values ​​qualities.” Vicky Jaramillo, High School Vice-principal said.

Marín was offered a job after an intensive search done by the school’s Human Resources department.

“The processes of hiring of local teachers are made by the Human Resources office. They provide us, Mr. Arbabi and myself, with several resumes. then we selected several, among which was that of Karol Viviana Marín, later, we proceeded to interview, where we applied a rubric of selection of teaching staff, among others.

Most students are glad they found a new teacher and expect her to stay for the rest of the school year without having any more problems.

“Even though Berta was a really good teacher and we are really going to miss her a lot, and despite every inconvenient we’ve had regarding teachers, Karol has been very good in the time she has been with us. I just hope she stays with us.” Amalia Triana, 10th grader, said.