A virus has spread to TCS, meningitis, a serious infectious illness that affects the brain and spinal cord, has become a major concern. Thanks to proper measures and precautions, the TCS community has been receiving the meningitis vaccine. However, many students have complained about the pain associated with the vaccine and its impact on their overall well-being.
Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes that protect the brain and spinal cord, caused by viruses, bacteria, and other pathogens. Unfortunately, TCS reported a case of meningitis in Middle School, but it was detected in time for the student to receive proper treatment and for the community to take immediate health precautions. In response, a team of doctors and nurses visited TCS for three days to administer vaccines, ensuring that everyone in need received the necessary protection, with students receiving one or two doses depending on their vaccination history.
“I was terrified to come to school that day because I know how bad this virus can be,” Senior Antonia Garcia said. Some high school students chose to stay home to avoid any potential exposure to the virus, despite reassurances from staff that it was safe to attend school.
“I agree that the school is promoting vaccines, it’s a good way of reminding parents about their kids’ regular vaccine schedules. As well as not having to take them to a vaccination site but being able to get them at school” TCS Mom, Karen Brazdys said.
For some students, this vaccine was very painful. Its purpose is to help the body produce antibodies that protect against meningococcal disease. This vaccine can have side effects like fever, chills, body aches, and nausea. “I had a very strong pain in my arm for the past 4 days, and for the first hour after the vaccine I felt very dizzy,” Garcia said.
PE classes were more affected than other subjects, as many students had sore arms for several days, preventing them from playing volleyball and other sports. “I decided to not participate in P.E. for a couple of classes because I was scared the pain would worsen,” Senior Emilio Otalvaro said.
“I knew that this vaccine could be painful, I had many classmates that were feeling dizzy and discouraged during class” Otalvaro said.