Julian Zuñiga is an irreplaceable teacher known for his innovative approaches and his ability to inspire both students and teachers at the Columbus School.
When someone pursues their dreams without focusing on the financials, that’s when they do their job with passion and enjoy every process of it. This is especially true for teachers because it requires a lot of patience and respect, particularly to work with so many young people who, a lot of the time, can be harsh to handle and teaching also demands constant emotional investment.
Unfortunately, teachers are often not as appreciated as they should be. Without them, society would struggle to progress in and understanding. Not all teachers bring all the love and passion for their job that Julian Zuñiga has.
“I think that the most important thing to understand is that teaching is more of a passion than anything else.” Zuñiga continued, “Every single job requires dedication and passion. If you don’t have those two, it’s going to suffer.”
Julian’s perspective on teaching goes beyond doing the work–he’s able to surpass the struggles that may come from being a teacher, and he knows it’s all about fostering a learning environment where students feel supported and understood. His ability to recognize the emotional and academic struggles students face allows him to adjust and offer a unique experience.
“You have to understand sometimes what they’re going through if it’s emotional, or if it’s even gaps that they have from previous content or previous skills,” Zuñiga explained. “And try to work from there to help them understand the topic or the subject, that requires a lot of differentiation.”
Students go through significant physical and emotional changes during their teenage years and often deal with personal problems that can interfere with their learning. Additionally, many face gaps in their knowledge from previous classes which makes it harder to grasp new concepts.
Juan Salcedo, a student from Julian’s class, shared his experience: “Zuñiga helps us understand the topic at first. He gives us context on what we have to do and then he puts problems so that us as the students can solve them”
Feedback from Julian’s students consistently highlights his method of balancing guidance with independence. As the quote demonstrates, Julian encourages students to try out problems on their while still providing support. He gives a deep, yet simple introduction on the topic so students are aware of what they will be working on allowing them to take ownership.
“He values a lot when students try first of all and if they fail, he tells them to do it again. Resilience is very important for him.” Salcedo added. “He’s really patient even though sometimes we don’t do things at the first or at the second try, he tries to be the most patient for us to understand.”
Patience and resilience are qualities Julian not only demonstrates but actively encourages in his students. Being resilient, and the ability to keep going even when things get tough is a very important step towards achieving goals and personal growth. Patience, though difficult to master, is equally crucial for building understanding and compassion in relationships and learning environments. These traits not only help everyone in a practical way but also in their friendships, relationships, and aspirations.
To reckon, Zuñiga has always had a kind heart as he said; “I definitely have that sense of being helpful for others.”