HS VP to Become Principal in Baranquilla.

Emiliana Restrepo

Darian George, High Schools’ Vice-Principal, shares his thoughts on leaving TCS next semester.

High School Vice-Principal Darian George is leaving TCS at the end of this school year to become the principal of the high school at Colegio Karl C. Parrish in Barranquilla.

George was recruited by the superintendent of Karl C Parrish, who had worked with him in Cali. George won out over six other candidates and participated in seven interviews over a period of a month. “ I actually was not going to apply for the position, but I told the staff people that I was on the shortlist and they thought that I should pursue it,” Darian George, HS Vice-Principal, said.

In addition, I think George is a dedicated professional who always puts his responsibilities first. Even though a big part of his job is dealing with student discipline, George remains popular with most students. 

“As a professional, I think his biggest contribution is really building trust with the students and the teachers. When he has to deal with a situation he is going to be there with transparency. He is going to communicate well with everybody about what is going on,” Juan David Lopez, HS Principal, said.

George has created genuine relationships at TCS by building trust with the teachers and students, and mainly, acting with transparency. Darian George became a role model for many students.

“Personally, I consider that Darian George was great support for students since he represented the school in the best way. From my perspective, he did everything correctly,” Lola Saldarriaga, 11th grade, said.

While George is looking forward to the challenge of being a Principal, he has mixed feelings about leaving TCS. “I know I’ll miss how I was embraced from day one when I came in. People brought me into the TCS family. I’ve been through a lot these last years personally and everyone has been there every step of the way,” George said.

Evidently, George had not considered applying for the job due to all the challenges and consequences this decision entailed, however, then he got involved. “Juan David thought that I should persuade it, in the fact that he had the faith in me that I could do the job, made me believe in myself a little more,” George said.